New Fish!!!



I got a new fish for my 125gal, it just arrived and is acclimating in the bucket. Looks awesome, very alert.
More info coming soon, with pictures!


It's a goldentail moray (Gymnothorax miliaris), going into the 125gal where I only have a foxface and pinktail trigger. It's supposed to be one of the less agressive fish eaters and one of the smaller ones too, growing up to 2' or so. This one is 12". I did a bunch of research before getting it and it was between it and a jeweled moray. Although my plan is to get the jeweled one too and that's it for the 125, the 2 fish and 2 eels.


Active Member
Congrats, he looks great. About the same size as mine is now. Mine eats Squid, Clams, and Silversides, but more often than not, just table shrimp. Mine is a big baby and I have to feed him with the tongs every time, it is a challenge getting food to him because my big Wrasse try's to steal it.
. I feed him every 2 or 3 nights.


Is yours outgoing or hides in his cave most of the time?
As for competition for food, I should be ok there. The pinktail is the main competition and he usually eats his fill and leaves.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Is yours outgoing or hides in his cave most of the time?
As for competition for food, I should be ok there. The pinktail is the main competition and he usually eats his fill and leaves.
He pretty much hides in a cave and sticks his head out in the evening. I found that was how my Snowflake was for a couple years, once he got bigger/older, he was out all the time, perhaps that will be the case with the Goldentail too.


Mine's been doing the same so far, hiding in a PVC tube, just sticking his head out. I gave him a few pieces of raw shrimp this morning and he ate them. Took a while to go for the first one, then went and grabbed the second right away.


He's been pretty active this morning, checking out the tank and swimming around. I'm surprised he hasn't eaten the little damsel I have in the QT. Had plenty of chances too.


Active Member
Great eel; and its great to see a well set-up QT. But if everyone did this, we wouldn't have nearly as many problems to solve.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Great eel; and its great to see a well set-up QT. But if everyone did this, we wouldn't have nearly as many problems to solve.
isnt that half the fun. you tell people everything and then they just dont listen costing themselves money. I laugh at them.


Hey guys, I'm a little confused here. This little eel seems to be constantly hungry.
The first day I got him, I didn't feed him anything. Second day, I gave him a little piece of raw shrimp and he took it. Then I waited a couple of days but this morning he seemed to be really hungry, looking for food all over. So I gave him 4 chunks of shrimp, small enough for him to swallow and he really went for them. But he still loooks hungry.
So how much should I feed him? I read to only feed a couple of times a week, but do I feed as much as he can eat at a time?


Active Member
I don't know much about goldentails... but it sounds like you have a GOOD problem there :eek:). When my eels keep looking, I keep feeding. Once they've had their fill, they ignore anything else. I'm not sure what the actual recommended amount is though..
Beautiful eel!


Active Member
My SFE is the same way when he is OUT I feed him til he quits. Most of the time it takes 2-3 krill or 1 sliverside and 2 krill or a nice chunk of Rods Predator blend.


Thanks guys. Next time I feed him, I'll feed until he doesn't come out to look for food anymore.