New Fishy! Sweetlips Clown


Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to share my new addition to my tank. Got a Sweetlips Clown. She is the greatest looking fish I've seen.
She is even eating frozen foods right off the bat!


Active Member
Well thank you for sharing...............................but.................
where are the pictures??????


Active Member
So in thinking a little, is this a Clown Sweetlips, Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides?
And if so did you do any research on them prior to buying it?


Active Member
yah I just had the mistake of purchasing a sweetlips about three weeks ago. Didn't work out too well, he was doing great then randomly died last weekend. They are a difficult fish to keep in captivity.
Unless you know what your getting into and realize how bad of a fish these are for captivity. I'd advice taking it back if you still can.


Active Member
Definitely NOT a clownfish I am afraid (as in relatively tough and easy to keep). Cute as juveniles, should you actually be lucky enough to get one to live, they become relatively less attractive as adults. And quite large. However, it is overall quite rare for them to survive long :(


So i researched for about 2 weeks before i picked him up. The first two things i read that worried me was size and the captivity life. So i read that they are very tough to get eating and that i need to go from live food and switch off to frozen once they have accepted that. She started eating frozen brine right off the bat and she eats good. She is about 1 and a 1/2 inches in size and i have her in my QT ( 46 bow ) at the moment and she will make it into my 180 soon. I'm still afraid about how they are captured as they use cyanide to catch these and 50-60% of the time they die suddenly without reason.
I thought about this very long before i bought her and im hoping she will have a long happy life with me. I will do everything to make her a happy camper. Thanks for helping me with the info tho at least i know if i didn't research it everyone would be there to warn me :)
So her are pictures of my new fishy.


shrimpy brains

Very nice!! Beautiful fish!!
Hope you have the best of luck with her!


Welp. Sweetlips is no more. I was watching him swim back and forth and all the sudden my Baseball size hermit crab swooped and grabbed it with his be claw by the neck so i grabbed the crab so he would drop her and she was dead :(

shrimpy brains

I'm so sorry about sweetlips.
I think I would be short 1 hermit crab, also!!


Originally Posted by Jayson417
Welp. Sweetlips is no more. I was watching him swim back and forth and all the sudden my Baseball size hermit crab swooped and grabbed it with his be claw by the neck so i grabbed the crab so he would drop her and she was dead :(
Sorry about your fish.
Do you have a picture of the crab? Baseball sized, thats huge.