new fuzzy dwarf!!!


Active Member
What size tank is he going into? I am looking into starting an aggressive 30 gallon, with either a fuzzy dwarf or a fu-manchu.
Sweet looking fish!
I love fuzzy dwarfs, i had one for about 3 months he lived fine with shimp he was so mellow and he was suicidal he dove out and died. make sure u cocer the tank well

vegas made

looks awesome have you had any trouble feeding him does he only eat live?? i was thinkinh about 2 fuzzy dwarfs for my new 100 gallon but my LFS said its tough to get them on shrimp that it takes them awhile to eat frozen
and do you think 2 fuzzys would be too much for a 100 gallon??


Looks awesome. There is one at my work that eats frozen mysis and silversides, and I was thinking about getting him since my Cherub Angel died the other night during the power outage. Indiana got hit with some really bad storm. Brownsburg being by far the worst, I lost power for 11 hours. Oh well, atleast I have an open spot for a fish in my reef now. We'll see what happens. Looks sweet!!


I have had mine for a couple of weeks now, he didn't eat anything for about a week or so. Now he eats frozen brine, mysis and everything else frozen. People worry too much about the fish eating, he will eat whatever if he gets hungry enough.


Originally Posted by RainbowSix
I have had mine for a couple of weeks now, he didn't eat anything for about a week or so. Now he eats frozen brine, mysis and everything else frozen. People worry too much about the fish eating, he will eat whatever if he gets hungry enough.

That is not always true. Some fish go through so much shock that they will starve and never eat. They are simply stressed to the point where they do not know what to do, and they simply do not eat. It works in some cases, but definately not always. . . Just some food for thought


Active Member
as for what he is eating, the lfs already had him eating frozen krill. i made him show me before i bought him though.


Active Member
i think that you guys will be happy to hear that he just ate his first piece of frozen krill in my tank about 2 minures ago.
here are some new pics.



Active Member
Man, dont I love lions. I would have one but its not to be I reach into my tank wayyyyy to often.
Beautiful. 'nuff said


Active Member
thanks for the comments guys.
his eye is only clouded from the camera flash. i have stuck my hands in the tank a few times to move a kenya tree where i want it and i will tell you i get nervous every time.
Dont get too nervous I move things all the time with my fuzzy face and the only time I got barbed is when I was moving the live rock to his new home and I reached underneath it and he was doing his norm, haning upside down under it and I kind of grabed a fin, boy that stung for a bit, but I am sure not as bad as a voltion lion could be.