Sorry, was absent: email notification didn't work for a some reason.
Here are some links:
-- post about continuous feeding (24/7) of zooplankton as a possible way to keep it.
Blueberry gorgonian issues, that mentions extreme flow.
Post about using cyclop eeze for a feeding. Doesn't work without flow, tried.
Another thread on topic.
Feeding a blueberry gorgonian? , rotifer based diet. If you have some spare money and time, you may set the live rotifer culture, fed by frozen algae paste, as I did. L-type may be good for the blueberry (L=Large), my pink relative requires SS-type (super small).
Fauna Marin about keeping this gorgonian, very clean water and feeding very small amounts of food frequently.
Here is mentioned protection from the bright light.
About positioning:
I lost link (thread was somewhere at Soft Corals at Reef Central), but if I remember right this is the tank (
link), where the a lot of flow from different sources is dispersed by rocks, this gorgonian felt much better after making that flow. Don't know outcome, though. BTW, translation could be made by Google Language tools, but it work only from German to English, in opposite direction - and they don't understand.
This is a general interest thread about advanced way to feed non-photosynthetic gorgonians (
link), illustrated. In Spanish, but you can use automatic translator again.
The last: when fragging, take a close look at the branches, that you selected for fragging. I fragged a couple of days ago the relative of blue gorgonian, and didn't notice without magnification, that tissue started to recess on it as well. All not healthy tissue better to be excluded, just like with amputation of gangrenous body part.
Another thought: did somebody try the Coral Dip or treatment from RTN (rapid tissue necrosis) or antibiotics for such skin damage? I used only Melafix + Pimafix, with potassium permanganate (KMnO4, Clean sweep? by Wardley, diluted to a deep pink, for desinfection). Helped somehow, but I had after bryopsis outbreak and lost many coral frags.