New Green Carpet from SWF


Here's my new carpet I got from SWF....was larger than I expected upon arrival...
Whats the best way to feed this guy...I was reading some posts and it said to mash the food up and use a turkey baster (sp) and put it on his mouth...but yesterday, I just touched him with a salad size cocktail shrimp, he grabbed it, pushed it to his mouth, and ate it. Is that unusual?


I also have two tank raised clowns...they are currently scared of him :)...I'm sure they'll learn to love him in time.
Hmmm picture didnt attach...will fix...

bang guy

With Carpets you can just touch a piece of seafood on their tentacle. They can eat a big chunk. Their natural diet is mostly fish & squid.

bang guy

Sorry to ask, but do you have enough light for a Carpet?
Hard to tell with pictures because sometimes the camera just makes things darker.


he opens up real big when the MHs are on and forms a more mushroom shape when the MHs are off...pretty cool how quickly he adjusts to changes in the light.


Much better to have an anemone that doesnt fuss about food and gobbles whatever it is offered. Have had trouble with anemones in the past that would not eat, toy with food before rejecting it, take 20 minutes to swallow a tiny piece of food or something like that. Thats a lot more frustrating and testing of your patience. (Ever had to hold a fishnet under water for 30 minutes or more to guard the anemones food from clowns, other fish or shrimp?...:) ) So I think all in all you have a good anemone and with excellent water parameters and light you should have a very happy specimen.


Hope he works out well for you Sov. he's a handsome one! Must take after his owner ;-):joy:
See you in a few hours!

bang guy


Originally posted by jacob_poly
Much better to have an anemone that doesnt fuss about food and gobbles whatever it is offered.

That can be a problem as well. Carpets will gladly accept a large Tang or Angelfish for a meal. They've been known to eat their Clownfish as well.


Active Member
i agree with bang, isomeone posted here a few onths ago about having like 3 chromis a flame angel(i think) and like 2 tangs eaten by it.
wathc out


I agree to that Bang....theres always a danger that the carpet might choose a fish for a meal. But I think I might still prefer that since I dont really have very expensive fish in my tank. With anemones that dont eat, its a constant worry ... you sit and suspect everything - Is the anemone healthy, Is the water bothering him, Is the light bothering him, Is he being harassed, will he die because he doesn't eat? And to me thats a lot more to worry about than a chromis disappearing every now and then. I guess you could look at it both ways and having seen it from this end of the spectrum I am preferring the other end. But with a variation of a famous saying....the anemone is always greener on the other side of the glass...:)


Member soon as I turn on my MH lights, my carpet runs for cover. He is very content with just 4X65 PCs over him. Should I just run the PCs on that side of the tank for awhile? Or should I run the MHs and "force" him to get use to them. I currently don't have any corals on that 1/2 of the tank as I want the carpet to establish his area before I start filling that side in with corals.
He was in the wide open, attached on the side of a rock. I turned on the MHs and now he is moving underneath a cliff where very little light hits him. So I turned off the MH bulb on that side.
Let me know what your opinion is.


could be several reasons - not adjusted to light yet, MH coming on too early after PC. Also just FYI I had a similar problem a couple of weeks ago which was for a totally different reason. I guess my water was not as pristine as I was assuming it to be. This took a toll on my LTA and I guess since it was stressed by that it also started freaking out at the light. This might not be the reason your carpet is starting to seek shade but could be useful knowledge nevertheless. -->


He loves the PCs right now so I won't run the Halides on that side of the tank...or if I do, only for an hour or two. I just got a timing unit so I'll play with that.
I'll post a pic of him later...he looks really nice.