New here Sting Ray help...


New Member
So what kind of shark would be suitable for a 240 gallon aquarium? I really would like to have a shark and when I have talked to the guy that I buy all of my fish and fish supplies from I was told that a smooth hound shark would be fine in my tank for about 2 ~3 years and then I would need to either upgrade to a larger tank or sell him to someone who does have a larger tank. I really would like to have a shark. Does anyone know of a breed that would be o.k. in 240 gallons?


New Member
I have done quite a bit of research in regards to the Grey smooth hound shark, I have actually even gone as far as calling and speaking with one of the representatives that works for and asking them if I would be fine having this shark in this tank. I was told that if I get the fish as a pup 9~11" and then keep it for about 2 years or to about the length of 30" I would be just fine and would not harm or hinder the shark in anyway shape or form. I will at that point either upgrade the size of my aquarium or sell the pet to someone who has the appropriate size.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by liljoker013
So what kind of shark would be suitable for a 240 gallon aquarium? I really would like to have a shark and when I have talked to the guy that I buy all of my fish and fish supplies from I was told that a smooth hound shark would be fine in my tank for about 2 ~3 years and then I would need to either upgrade to a larger tank or sell him to someone who does have a larger tank. I really would like to have a shark. Does anyone know of a breed that would be o.k. in 240 gallons?

Originally Posted by liljoker013

I have done quite a bit of research in regards to the Grey smooth hound shark, I have actually even gone as far as calling and speaking with one of the representatives that works for and asking them if I would be fine having this shark in this tank. I was told that if I get the fish as a pup 9~11" and then keep it for about 2 years or to about the length of 30" I would be just fine and would not harm or hinder the shark in anyway shape or form. I will at that point either upgrade the size of my aquarium or sell the pet to someone who has the appropriate size.
"So what kind of shark would be suitable for a 240 gallon aquarium? None, a 240 gallon tank is boarder line acceptable for only the smallest of catsharks and that is even still up for debate.I really would like to have a shark Wouldn't we all like to have an apex predator as a pet and when I have talked to the guy that I buy all of my fish Who is "SELLING" you a product. and fish supplies $$$$ from I was told that a smooth hound shark would be fine in my tank for about 2 ~3 years No
in 2-3 years it will have matured and will be 1/3 the size of the tank and then I would need to either upgrade to a larger tank From a 240 gallon tank/headboard to a 3000 gallon POND or sell him to someone who does have a larger tank Sell? lol best case is donateto a public aquarium. While the idea of selling it for big bucks is great your dreaming..I really would like to have a shark. Does anyone know of a breed that would be o.k. in 240 gallons?Again everybody would like to have one but the reality is only in the most extreme cases is it a feasible thing."
"I have done quite a bit of research in regards to the Grey smooth hound shark,BS Alert! I have actually even gone as far as calling and speaking with one of the representatives that works for Saltwaterfish.comWow you went that far in your research? You didn't just ask the used car salesman at the LFS? and asking them if I would be fine having this shark in this tank. I was told that if I get the fish as a pup 9~11" and then keep it for about 2 years or to about the length of 30" I would be just fineI like how this is word for word the same thing the used car salesman told you. and would not harm or hinder the shark in anyway shape or formReally
Seriously? Go to a local public aquarium and notice they don't keep sharks in small glass boxes. They have rounded corners for a reason
. I will at that pointIf it lives long enough either upgrade the size of my aquarium Highly unlikely your going to build a pond not a headboard for it to live in or sell There you go dreaming again the pet to someone Maybe the guy you bought it from will buy it back
who has the appropriate size."
To continue on with pointing out the things in your tank that won't work.... The Humu humu is on the aggressive side of the trigger family and will pick at the lion fishes fins. This might not have started yet but rest assured it will in time. It will also pick at the shark and ray both. Triggers are notorious for picking at the eyes of sharks and rays when confined to small areas where the shark/ray can not escape.
Please feel free to come back at me with how its working for you because your the "Exception" to the rules when dealing with fish. How this person or that person told you it would work. Truth of it is I have seen hundreds of these threads from hundreds of people. With the same out come. Your either going to come back asking why things are not working, you'll lie and say how much success your having or you will just vanish. So when at the end of the day your digging out a dead shark that you had to pay for its really no skin off my nose ( that will be the shark with the mashed in and infected nose from running into the glass ) or a half eaten lion fish( triggers can do some damage when your not looking). So flip me the bird and tell me how I have no clue what I am talking about and continue to do what you want.
There is no way your first stingray died because of getting sucked into a powerhead.
It was already dead or dying from something else then got sucked in. No healthy fish let alone a powerful swimming stingray should be sucked in by a powerhead.


Active Member
hey liljoker... sorry you're in this situation, and sorry you're getting flamed so much. But it's good that you're trying to rectify it now.. We've all made mistakes with our tanks... And we've all realized over time that a salesman at the LFS isn't the most trustworthy person most of the time. There's some great info on sharks and rays here in the forums... I also considered a shark or ray until reading through a few threads here on SWF.
As a general rule, I always use the "search" option here on the threads and type in the specific species of fish before considering purchasing. There's usually plenty of discussions to go through about each species. If there isn't... just ask. Yeah, sometimes you'll get flamed... but it will help avoid mistakes like this in the future. Welcome to SWF...


Active Member
just realized that this was lbnobel's thread that was kinda hijacked.
lbnobel - continue to post as needed regarding your problem...
liljoker - make a new thread to continue your discussion if you would like.


New Member
What's really sad is the way that people in here talk to each other. I came here to ask questions and wind up getting treated as though I'm a complete idiot and have no right to even be in here asking questions. You need to learn how to talk to people as you would want to be spoken to if you were seeking help. Thank you to those of you who have answered questions without treating me like I'm a piece of ----, for those of you who couldn't be kind enough to extend that courtesy I wish you the best of luck in society because you won't make it that far. Go get some education on just being civil and polite.


New Member
I'm sorry that hijacked your thread. I have been treated so horribly in this forum that I have decided to discontinue using it. I guess you really can't live by the rule treat others the way you want to be treated, because I never seem to get treated the way that I treat others. I always wind up being stepped on and treated like dog crap.


Originally Posted by liljoker013
I'm sorry that hijacked your thread. I have been treated so horribly in this forum that I have decided to discontinue using it. I guess you really can't live by the rule treat others the way you want to be treated, because I never seem to get treated the way that I treat others. I always wind up being stepped on and treated like dog crap.
Sorry you had a bad experience, but everyone here is not like that...why don't you stick around and give some of the other members here a chance
some of us are fun too

el guapo

Active Member
I gave you a polite response and you choose to lie to me. You want to be treated with respect come to the table honest and open to listen and hear what your doing wrong. Don't lie to people, The fact is no matter how many lies you make up about this person telling you it will work, it's not going to work. You come to us asking why your second ray died. I am sure they both died from stress from the trigger picking at them. No matter what you say Triggers are going to pick on rays and lions. You want respect than do the research before something goes wrong not after you have killed two animals and are seriously endangering another animals health.
Sorry but I have no patience for people that ask for advice and then choose to argue against it. You claim your getting mistreated and for no reason. There is a reason, your being irresponsible about something some of us are very passionate about. You have already killed 2 stingrays. Then tell us a BS story about the shark and people saying its ok to house in such a small tank, then feel picked on when you get called out for it.
You still have yet to even show us pictures of this tank/headboard.


New Member
first of all I have yet to lie to you, everything that I have told you was the truth, secondly there is a polite way to talk to people. IF you do not have the common courtesy to do that then please just don't reply to my posts. I have done plenty of research on plenty of websites and have spoken to someone from who has stated that the tank is more than an appropriate size for a pup shark, does this mean that I have ordered the shark? NO!!! I am still in the process of asking questions, looking at as many websites as possible. I do appreciate feed back and being told what will and will not work, what I don't appreciate is you talking to me and to other people as though you are the world expert and everyone else is an idiot, do you have a Master's in Marine Biology? I'm just asking to be treated as though I am a person, a human being. Don't talk to me like I'm someone for you to step on. If you don't have the patience for me then don't message me. Thank you....

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by liljoker013
first of all I have yet to lie to you, everything that I have told you was the truth, secondly there is a polite way to talk to people. IF you do not have the common courtesy to do that then please just don't reply to my posts. I have done plenty of research on plenty of websites and have spoken to someone from who has stated that the tank is more than an appropriate size for a pup shark, does this mean that I have ordered the shark? NO!!! I am still in the process of asking questions, looking at as many websites as possible. I do appreciate feed back and being told what will and will not work, what I don't appreciate is you talking to me and to other people as though you are the world expert and everyone else is an idiot, do you have a Master's in Marine Biology? I'm just asking to be treated as though I am a person, a human being. Don't talk to me like I'm someone for you to step on. If you don't have the patience for me then don't message me. Thank you....
So you just have it in your fish list to look cool ?

Lets be honest what your don't appreciate is being told your do the wrong thing. Nothing more than that. You would be so much more appreciative if I was telling you "Oh yeah that will work".
Like I said before flip me the bird and do what you want . Have fun wasting your money on fish and then digging the dead bodies out of your headboard.


New Member
I do NOT have a shark of any kind in my tank at this point in time. IF I made you to believe that I actually have a shark then I apologize, I will clarify I DO NOT have a shark, I am wanting to add a shark and am simply doing research and that is one of the reasons that I joined this forum to learn more. I know that retailers are going to say yes to anything someone wants in order to make a buck. I don't purchase based on one persons opinion.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by liljoker013
I do NOT have a shark of any kind in my tank at this point in time. IF I made you to believe that I actually have a shark then I apologize, I will clarify I DO NOT have a shark, I am wanting to add a shark and am simply doing research and that is one of the reasons that I joined this forum to learn more. I know that retailers are going to say yes to anything someone wants in order to make a buck. I don't purchase based on one persons opinion.


New Member
I stand corrected. I had forgotten that I had put smooth hound shark on the "My fish" category. When I set that up I was really listing what I have and what I want. I do apologize to all of you who took it that I already had a shark in my tank. I do NOT have and have NOT yet decided to add the shark. It honestly was NOT my intention to mis~lead.... I am man enough to admit that I was wrong and say that I'm sorry that I misled you...

el guapo

Active Member
If you really don't have the shark than I apologize. It just like I said though I have seen that type of situation hundreds of times on here. A lot of the time we will spend weeks trying to help a person out and then they spit in our faces and tell us we are wrong. Do a search on Slackjawed and you will see what I mean. In a few cases his including the person would make a separate user account to help argue the point even though they were completely wrong and out of line. Slackjawed was banned many times and would make new acounts to come back and argue with us.
I'm sorry . I just hate to think of Animals being harmed and it gets my blood boiling. Fish are by far the worst because they depend on us for everything, unlike other pets they have zero control over anything, They don't even have the ability to bark or meow to let us know they need attention.


New Member
I do understand where you're coming from and that's what I feel as well and that's why I'm on here to do the research. I did go back in and changed on my profile that I want a shark, doesn't necessarily mean that I will add a shark. It's just something that I want. Thank you for pointing it out to me so that I could correct it....=O)