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So what kind of shark would be suitable for a 240 gallon aquarium? I really would like to have a shark and when I have talked to the guy that I buy all of my fish and fish supplies from I was told that a smooth hound shark would be fine in my tank for about 2 ~3 years and then I would need to either upgrade to a larger tank or sell him to someone who does have a larger tank. I really would like to have a shark. Does anyone know of a breed that would be o.k. in 240 gallons?
Originally Posted by liljoker013
I have done quite a bit of research in regards to the Grey smooth hound shark, I have actually even gone as far as calling and speaking with one of the representatives that works for Saltwaterfish.com and asking them if I would be fine having this shark in this tank. I was told that if I get the fish as a pup 9~11" and then keep it for about 2 years or to about the length of 30" I would be just fine and would not harm or hinder the shark in anyway shape or form. I will at that point either upgrade the size of my aquarium or sell the pet to someone who has the appropriate size.
"So what kind of shark would be suitable for a 240 gallon aquarium? None, a 240 gallon tank is boarder line acceptable for only the smallest of catsharks and that is even still up for debate.I really would like to have a shark Wouldn't we all like to have an apex predator as a pet and when I have talked to the guy that I buy all of my fish Who is "SELLING" you a product. and fish supplies $$$$ from I was told that a smooth hound shark would be fine in my tank for about 2 ~3 years No
in 2-3 years it will have matured and will be 1/3 the size of the tank and then I would need to either upgrade to a larger tank From a 240 gallon tank/headboard to a 3000 gallon POND or sell him to someone who does have a larger tank Sell? lol best case is
donateto a public aquarium. While the idea of selling it for big bucks is great your dreaming..I really would like to have a shark. Does anyone know of a breed that would be o.k. in 240 gallons?Again everybody would like to have one but the reality is only in the most extreme cases is it a feasible thing."
"I have done quite a bit of research in regards to the Grey smooth hound shark,BS Alert! I have actually even gone as far as calling and speaking with one of the representatives that works for Saltwaterfish.comWow you went that far in your research? You didn't just ask the used car salesman at the LFS? and asking them if I would be fine having this shark in this tank. I was told that if I get the fish as a pup 9~11" and then keep it for about 2 years or to about the length of 30" I would be just fineI like how this is word for word the same thing the used car salesman told you. and would not harm or hinder the shark in anyway shape or formReally
Seriously? Go to a local public aquarium and notice they don't keep sharks in small glass boxes. They have rounded corners for a reason
. I will at that pointIf it lives long enough either upgrade the size of my aquarium Highly unlikely your going to build a pond not a headboard for it to live in or sell There you go dreaming again the pet to someone Maybe the guy you bought it from will buy it back
who has the appropriate size."
To continue on with pointing out the things in your tank that won't work.... The Humu humu is on the aggressive side of the trigger family and will pick at the lion fishes fins. This might not have started yet but rest assured it will in time. It will also pick at the shark and ray both. Triggers are notorious for picking at the eyes of sharks and rays when confined to small areas where the shark/ray can not escape.
Please feel free to come back at me with how its working for you because your the "Exception" to the rules when dealing with fish. How this person or that person told you it would work. Truth of it is I have seen hundreds of these threads from hundreds of people. With the same out come. Your either going to come back asking why things are not working, you'll lie and say how much success your having or you will just vanish. So when at the end of the day your digging out a dead shark that you had to pay for its really no skin off my nose ( that will be the shark with the mashed in and infected nose from running into the glass ) or a half eaten lion fish( triggers can do some damage when your not looking). So flip me the bird and tell me how I have no clue what I am talking about and continue to do what you want.