New indiana jones movie.


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I saw it last night and didn't like it. Way to many unexplained things. i'd give examples but don't wanna ruin it for everyone. What did everyone else think of it?


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I put horrible, but it's a slight step above that. Not horrible, but definitely not "okay." Some of the CG was terrible and Lucas should be ashamed of himself. Some of the actions scenes were over the top, I mean Shia did some things Mariusz Pudzianowski couldn't do.
And I can't believe they went where they did. I mean I'm used to mummies, ancient warriors and even sprits and what have you, but they went "a step above" that and I really didn't like it.


i actually fell asleep from the start to about the middle . . .


Yeah I was going to see it too, but I've read so many horrible reviews.


Well I like old fashioned movies and the temple of doom was awesome! The crystal skull movie was not the best indy movie, but should still be a classic.


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Well, I ended up seeing it. It wasn't the best Indy movie, but it wasn't a complete piece of crap either. It was actually pretty funny in some parts.


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I just watched it earlier today and I wasn't all that impressed. It had plenty of action (as any Indy movie should) but the ending left me inexplicably frustrated

I found myself pausing it a few times to do other things... It just didn't keep me that intrigued...
I saw it with pretty high hopes, and I have to say I was pretty disappointed. I mean don't get me wrong, it certainly had it's moments. And the cinematography was well done. But if you talk about the actual premise of the film, and especially the ending, then you have to be pretty disappointed...
Just my two and a half cents
I just saw it, thought it was a good movie but definetly not excellent. I didn't like the whole UFO thing, really bugged me. I liked when they stuck with more realistic (if you could say that) stuff.


My bf and i went to the drive-in to see indiana jones, and iron man. I was so unimpressed with indiana. Harrison Ford needs to hand the reins over to shia.
And the whole ufo thing, i was like, where in the hell did this come from. And me of all people who is an alien buff, was unimpressed and confused. i actually nodded off several times during the first half hour of the movie. Now, Iron Man on the other hand, rocked.

el guapo

Active Member
We saw it yesterday and I loved it . It was typical Indiana jones completely laughable movie with lots of action . You have to watch it expecting some super cheese movie . It's just a classic over the edge goofyness of Lucas/Speilburg. I think had it gone the same old route it wouldn't have fit as well . The time line fit fairly well . Harrison is older so they had to jump forward into the late 50's and what better thing to cheese on then the commies and alien invasions that were such a serious note back then . You have to just take this movie as its ment and it will be so much better . I could watch a few more indy movies with Ford in the lead . Its just good classic film.


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Saw it the other day and while it wasnt horrible, it wasnt all that great either. As someone else posted, I am totally down with the melting faces, monkey brain eating and holy grail of the last 3 movies the premise of this one was just too over the top.


Active Member
i saw it last week... i wasnt too impressed with it and a couple of the scenes were way too far fetched!!! but it was entertaining and both of my kiddos liked it...


Active Member
I saw it and thought that it was pretty good. I was a little scared at the end with the aliens because it could've gone downhill fast, but the graphics were pretty good and it seemed more realistic. It seemed like the plot was unrealistic, but that is usually how the Indy movies are like.


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Originally Posted by fishfreak1242
...but the graphics were pretty good and it seemed more realistic. It seemed like the plot was unrealistic, but that is usually how the Indy movies are like.
I sincerely hope you're joking. Did you even see the scene where the car went over the waterfall and hit the tree? Those graphics were absolutely terrible. PIXAR cartoon movies have looked better. Also how cheap was that when they finally get to the third waterfall (the big one) they freaking use stock footage of Niagara Falls!

Or what about the opening scene in the airport hanger, where the camera is looking out of the hanger to Kate Blanchett's character? You could tell they just used a paper background!?!?
There is a difference between 'unrealistic' (a better term would be 'un-probable') and impossible. Every time Indy has swung on his trademark whip, they have shown at least him struggling/grunting, etc. But on this one, where Shia Labeouf swings on the vines like a 15lb monkey, that's impossible.
There has always been a difference between Spielberg and Lucas. Spielberg has always had real props/sets to make movies and that's made him what he is. Look at the previous Indy movies, and all the robotic work with Jaws and Jurassic Park or the props with E.T., Back to the Future, and all the real make-up work with Saving Private Ryan. Lucas got his stumpy fat little hand in there, and brainwashed Spielberg into letting Industrial Light & Magic do far too many scenes.