New LFS in Metro Detroit!!!!




Originally posted by aileena
pruess in lansing is very cool, although its very expensive for some items...especially dry goods

I'll say! They had stuff being priced for twice what some retailers have in the detroit metro area. Suppose thats what happens when one store runs all other local competitors away.
Cadbury, thanks.. I'll definately plan a trip there soon now.
Foxthorn, I'm in Novi, closest ones I know of for sw are "The Fish Tank" on ford rd east of 275, and "Fish Doctors" on Lilly just south of plymouth. I don't really care for fish doctors though.


I must say however, dispite their expensive nature, I've never bought a sick animal from them. (with the exception of a squamosa clam). They QT all there fish before they sell them and if the animal dies, they usually replace it...


at sting ray bay is that gregg who is the former of greenwoods?
i haven' seen him at greenwoods in a while must be.
atlantis is small but i was talking to the owner dean and he's got some good prices, very nice guy by the way. got yellow sea mat from him last week and its doing great, i like to help the little guy out when i can. also he's got good prices on hagen power heads, 802 for 32.00 thats the best i found local.


Thanks Daniel... Yeah, I'm not fond of Fish Doctors either. I called 4 stores today and nobody had Nassarius snails - I just can't believe it.
Have you been to Aquatic Discoveries - this is my favorite place - I just wish it wasn't so far away. -- I can get to Tropicorium in the same amount of time.
Hmmm... seems like there ought to be a market for a good LFS in our area - you got some capital :D ;)


LOL have had that conversation with someone else on this board before. How can the Novi-Northville not support one? Yeah, Aquatic Discoveries is really nice, and I goto Tropicorium quite a bit. The place on Ford Rd just opened, their small but I've been just calling a week or two ahead and having them place what I want on their next shipment. They let me get a set of metal halide/vho's for practically cost.


Aquatic Discoveries has some Nassarius snails in. ;)
Was just there today. There and Sting Ray Bobs, Ocean & Seas and Kees Aquarium. lol..... Yeah Dean at Atlantic is a cool guy. Has good prices to because of no employee overhead. Thats the good thing about small stores.


Yeah Greg is the owner of Sting Ray Bay. I don't care for Aquatic Discoveries they don't even quarintine their stuff. I've seen them sell fish right out of the bag it came shipped in. They said its better that way less stress on the fish. Yeah better for them so when it dies it dies in your tank & not theirs. Their prices seem to be high escecially their corals.


Since I been in this hobby, I've definetly learned to buy more things over the internet, like this site for example. Reasonable prices (a lot Cheaper) and I've always gotten good specimans.


The problem I've found with buying livestock over the internet - is that I only want one fish at a time. The minimum order requirement just doesn't work for me. I just end up spending more than I would have otherwise.


Hey Daniel411... I went at lunch today to the place on Ford rd. that you mentioned (The Fish Tank)... Yeah they are small for sure. What's up with the sign they have on the tanks that says: "No Guarentee on Saltwater!" ??? That turned me off. -- Didn't have time to wait and ask them about it.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by foxthorn
What's up with the sign they have on the tanks that says: "No Guarentee on Saltwater!" ???

You'd be surprised how many people walk in a fish store and say I WANT THAT ONE, NOW! Then come to find out they throw the thing in a 10gal tank with a airstone in it. They think they spend 50dollars on a fish and it's not gonna die. So then they come back and start some huge freaking blowout argument.
It's just to cover their butt for liability. I know the owner personally and he's a very nice guy and will definitely not screw you. They'll order/find anything you need.



Originally posted by Tyr-Sog
Aquatic Discoveries has some Nassarius snails in. ;)
Was just there today. There and Sting Ray Bobs, Ocean & Seas and Kees Aquarium. lol..... Yeah Dean at Atlantic is a cool guy. Has good prices to because of no employee overhead. Thats the good thing about small stores.

Where is Kees Aquarium and Sting Ray Bobs? Never heard of either.


Ughhh, had a nice write up on each store but this junk server screwed it up...:mad:
Kees- SE corner of 23mile rd. and Vandyke. Kroger strip
Sting Ray Bobs on 9mile rd. past Gratiot just before kelly.


Active Member
I went to green wood the other day. It looks like crap on the outside. It had some neat stuff on the inside. I am going to have to check out this new place. Look it is a post of mostly Michigan people.



Originally posted by Tyr-Sog
Kees- SE corner of 23mile rd. and Vandyke. Kroger strip

Awesome! I should be moving to 23 mile road next week. Than I can order and have my 480g shipped :)
Sarah, theres two different greenwoods. One in over around in livonia, and another over by eastpointe/detroit border. Westside one is much nicer, but neither are really that spectacular.


Active Member
I see. I went to the one on joy road after inkster. It is kind of near school, and I had a long break. So I figured that I would stop there. They had some HUGE fish in there display tanks. You are right that there was nothing spectacular there.



Originally posted by Daniel411
Awesome! I should be moving to 23 mile road next week. Than I can order and have my 480g shipped :)
Sarah, theres two different greenwoods. One in over around in livonia, and another over by eastpointe/detroit border. Westside one is much nicer, but neither are really that spectacular.

Yeah, Kees has been around for ever. There saltwater setup is nice and healthy. Prices seem to be fair but as with all stores they can be high at times or on certain items. Coral selection is decent, nothing huge but for the most part all heathy stuff. They got a nice critter setup to.



Originally posted by Tyr-Sog
Yeah, Kees has been around for ever. There saltwater setup is nice and healthy

Very good to hear! What'd you decide to go with regarding lighting and a sump?