new little 75 gal


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
I apologize if anyone thinks I got carried away or insulted him. I had just read the post all the way through and it really made me upset. The advice he gives is really bad for 99.9% of all the people on here and I have personally see him give advice to newbies and they turn around and make purchases that don't work out or that cost them a lot of money and then he says "oh well, sorry it didn't work out" or " I guess it werks fer me because I am lucky or so good at what I do". That is ridiculous. All I am saying is he could at least put something in his posts that say "Okay this may not werk out but I have done it and got these results", instead of " Oh yeah! no problem!!
, I did and haven't had any scenes from Gladiator yet so it must be okay!! or " just feed live and everything will be fine". I would appreciate it if he was a bit more responsible with at least the advice that he gives out. People could use his experience in making unusual tanks work instead of blithering on about nearly impossible scenarios in this hobby. If he would do that I think he could honestly be a very useful part of this site. BTW, Slack, I do think that your new tank looks nice and the rock work looks lovely. I am sincerely sorry if I got carried away or you felt personally insulted. I am not usually quite so harsh.

NO problem . No harm done! All i am saiin is that u can do stuff differnt,all fish have differnt personalites.i have 2 undys in same tank.Bood bath no,but stats say yes..wrong! nigers in a reef?sometimes yes(depends on fish).I so sorry dident no this was a spellin bee.Just thinkin faster than i can im not callin any names or dissin anyone stuff!! Im a troll?why?i never said o well to a new bee ,but if 1 of my fish diies.......... dam but i have only lost 1 ,a tiny dragon wrasse (eel food)..dam(which is pretty good considerin theres 18 in 1 tank) well replace him in little food?the last time i looked fish in the ocean dont eat frozen prepared stuff!!honestly i have cut back a little on feeding live .$$$$$$$$$ buggers
feed raw scallops and shrimp too.but i always have live minnows on hand in a 55 gallon.i will end this post on ...........if the new b listin to 99% of u they would have5 little fish in a 180 because in 5 years it would be overcrowed
ps im gonna get 1 of those golden puffers
dealer is lookin now!! i keep you posted


Active Member
I can insult Slack because in reality he is my alter ego. Think Fight Club, but at an aquarium.
Oops, what I meant to say was:
I can
insult Slack
because in
reality he
is my
alter ego. Think Fight
Club, but
at an


Originally Posted by prime311
I can insult Slack because in reality he is my alter ego. Think Fight Club, but at an aquarium.
Oops, what I meant to say was:
I can
insult Slack
because in
reality he
is my
alter ego. Think Fight
Club, but
at an

whos fightin?


Active Member
I have to admit that slackjawed pulls off some REALLY crazy stuff, but even with all the attacks against him... I really haven't seen him make personal attacks back... Thick skin.


Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
I have to admit that slackjawed pulls off some REALLY crazy stuff, but even with all the attacks against him... I really haven't seen him make personal attacks back... Thick skin.
no i no im a little off the wall but its workin!!ive ran tank like this 4 years .why call names?naaaaaaa have enouf infractions lol


Originally Posted by slackjawed
sorry but i dont have a 180 gallon sittin around waitin for a water change.why do you need it? not in my eyes. mabey in most peoples worlds you do. was a emergency heres my new little undy!!
probley gonna add a zebra eel soon
stocklist for today
1 huma huma
1 dog faced puffer
1 toad fish
1 undy
just got my order in ill post pics on tues
1 3"harlequin tusk
1 6" green wolf eel!!


Originally Posted by slackjawed
just got my order in ill post pics on tues
1 3"harlequin tusk
1 6" green wolf eel!!
2 new fish
1 little dog faced puffer
1 pink tail trigg
stock list for tiny 75:
1 green wolf eel
2 dog faced puffers ( 1 is small)
1 htf
1 fribriated eel
1 toad fish
1 huma huma
1 undy



You need more fish! Add a queen trigger, a large grouper would be good too.


Originally Posted by RCreations
You need more fish! Add a queen trigger, a large grouper would be good too.

nice lol no see again wrong.i buy the fish then force self into a bigger tank
just did the little 75 for bed room. still workin on 400 gallon(either 4100$ for a cub moter for my banshee or a 400 gallon tank)i have time .all fish are 1/2 way small still,as soon as pink tail get a little bigger he will go into 180 .yea a large grouper i hate the 1 i have now . would give him away for free!!hes just a big pig