New mix water pH


On Sunday, I mixed 20 gal of new water and today the pH is 7.8. I believe the salt is Oceanic. I would like to increase the pH before I do the water change. How can I bump the new water up to 8.0 ??? It is mixing in a 29 gal tank with a maxijet 1200 power head with an air line on the venturi shooting plenty of air through the mixing tank.


Active Member
You most likely have a low alk. Have you tested the kH of the mixing water? If you have a low kH in the mixing water, add Kent's Super dKH buffer to the mixing water everytime you do a water change and this will bring the pH to 8.2.


Thanks, I'll test the alk. It is RO water. I bought a RO unit about 6 months ago. But the RO water is very low in pH after it comes out of the RO filter.

bang guy

There's no reason to worry about the PH of new water unless you're changing more than 50% of the water (not advised).
Testing the ALK is fine to make sure you didn't get a bum salt mix but don't add the Carbonate to the new saltwater. Wait until after the water change and adjust your tank water to the proper ALK (after testing it).


Active Member
yeah, when you make up some new water, put your salt and make it to the right salinity. Give it some time to dissolve and then test the alk.