New mushroom rock....need id also


So i got this mushroom rock today for a great price with a bunch of little red feather dusters and a blue leg hermit on it(which is why the algea didn't bother me to much...cleaners allready goin to town on it). Anyway they didn't know what type they were can you all give me an idea? also the pick with the red arrow any idea what those are? they look like starfish legs but maybe not?



not sure of a latin name but they look to me ordinary blue/purple mushrooms, quite a nice blue but not a true blue, very nice though


yea normally for something like that at the fish store i frequent it would be a minimum $50 but it was $25 and has over 12 on it if you count the little ones, so not bad. half the hair algea is gone allready every snail and crab has been on that rock since i put it in the tank.
I thought it looked like a brittle star leg also and in the crack its in it looks like there is a body.


anyone else have any idea on what could be sticking out of the rock with the red arrow pointing to it?


Yeah i know what they are. HitchHikers. Like little bristle starfish. I got like 10 in my hairy mushroom rock. They are good. They wont harm anything in the tank.


cool there are a bunch stickin out all over the rock. i wish one would come out so i could get a better look at it but oh well


BS21 how long have you been in the saltwater hobby. Once you get hooked on your hooked for life lol. Thats how I was when I started a year ago. Ill post a pic of my whole aquapod 12 gallon 4 you to see. First I gotta find the cord to the camera


Active Member
my pre-emptive response would be it looks like a young serpent star. but there is a ton of room for error in that statement.


sorry to jump in but when you buy a rock with a bunch of "stuff" on it like bs21's, what is the acclimation procedure? Thanks just learning...


NanoKid: cool ill check it out. my aquapod is fairly new but when i lived at home we had a 75 gallon fish only. You are right tho since ive had my own tank its all i do lately.
Reef: they arent segmented. I get a catalogue from the Drs. site and they have a starfish that has legs just like it with the stripes. they flow smooth and have little "hairs" like brittle star.
Fish: for acclimation i couldn't find the hose i use for drip so what i did was add a shot glass of tank water every 5 min or so for about an hour 1/2. Seemed to be no problem the mini dusters on it didn't even close up through out the process


i like your rock work. LOOKS GREAT. Keep me posted on what you get and stuff and ill do the same 4 u


Thanks i moved it a ton of times, there are a ton of caves u can't see in the pic but i have it at a point where i like it. cool sounds good. probably not gonna be able to get much untill my semester ends and i get back to work and i'm still waiting for my LFS to find my black and white percs


There Just Little Stars I Have A Ton Of Them In My Tank Only Get About A Inch Or 2,and They Have Never Hurt Anything In My Tank(i Think There Cool)
And Love The Rock Work Looks Really Good And The Mushrooms Where A Nice Add : )


I have these in my tank too, but I have never seen them come out of the corals or rocks that they are sticking out of. Will they ever?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
Reef: they arent segmented. I get a catalogue from the Drs. site and they have a starfish that has legs just like it with the stripes. they flow smooth and have little "hairs" like brittle star.
in that case my guess would be probably a baby brittle star. which is an awesome hitchiker hopefully it doesnt go into osmotic shock, you didn't happen to drip acclimate the rock did you?
if you didn't the Star may not make it they need lengthy acclimation, and osmotic shock can take a month to kill.