New NANO help please?!?


Active Member
nice man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the aquascape. i think thats enough rock but if you want more go ahead. just leave everything how it is! frags and corals will cover everything


Active Member
yea im gunna get atleast 2-3 more pieces of rock. but thanks i am pretty happy so far. i cant wait to get my lighting and some frags. i decided in going to do 2 clown fish. when i went to the LFS to day i saw they had some and i was like a have to have them lol. so i think im gunna get those a cleaner shrimp and a goby of some type


Active Member
not yet going to soon...
im getting T5 from a friend who works at a pet store and he is getting them for cheap and paying for them cuz its my b day this month
yea thats what i am hoping for what is the best coral for them to host? i would love a carpet anemone but every one seems to think this tank is to small for any kind of anemone?


Active Member
well to have an anemone your water has to be perfect
and any coral your clown can host.
polyps, xenias, cup, kenya, hammer, frogspawn etc


Active Member
okay are there any that are more common?
my pH is 8.0 right now still waiting on the other tests
another 3 minutes or so


Active Member
k well everything seems perfect. just get buffer to raise your ph. well you can get um a tang lmao. naw im just kidding. just gobys i guess. those are more nano tank fish