new nano


i just bought a 12g nano,and the book says remove the bio balls and the ceramic ring to prevent nitrate from biulding up. that true? and also i would like to have 2 purc clowns and anemone but i dont know whitch 1 to get any sugestions.
txs in advance for the advice


Remove the bio-balls and rings if you're planning on a reef tank or using live rock which would serve as the bio-filter.
The tank needs to be well established before adding an anemone (6 months at least).


You can not do an anemone in a 12 gallon nano. First of all you will probably not have the lighting even if upgrading it. Second of all you can't keep the water stable enough for one.


i have to disagree with 22CADDY it is very possible to have a anenome in a nanocube...if u upgrade the lighting and he is located at near the top, i have seen so many nanos with anenomes in them living a very stable life for just needs to be done right with the right anenome and the right upgrades and the right water chemisty and the right patience to realize hes not goin in there for 6-8 months:happy:


Well I hate to say it TheSamm but you are definately in the minority in thinking it can be done. Anemones need stable and quality water just as much as they need light. Now think about it. In a twelve gallon tank after rocks, sand, and equipment is in the tank, you have maybe 8 gallons of water if that. It is very hard to provide the water quality and stability in that size tank. It is best left out of any nanocube.


ok tonight i added 2 very small purcs redleg,blueleg,pepermint shimp to eat some pest i got at the LFS.Along with my LR. Whille i was there i ask the guy and he said same thing. Long as u place it near the top and kept up with water changes and quality. That everything would be ok. I could have 1 anemone maybe we would have to wait and see.


Whoa you are going way too fast. You just started this tank. Has it even cycled yet? Two fish that fast and you will overload the system. You don't have the bacteria yet that is needed for biological filtration. Clowns are pretty hardy and should be ok, but keep an eye on things.


22caddy.... i disagree with you. i dont know what majority you were talking to... i kept a green bta in a 10 gallon nano for 7 months with no problems and now he has been in my 20 long for 5 months and going. "cant" is not a word in the saltwater world. we are doing things these days that 30 years ago no one would even think of attempting.
now....if rogue doesnt have any experience with nano's then he might leave it alone for a couple of months untill he/she has a routine down.
just say it if you want but it is pretty tricky.


Ok first off i do have bacteria becuase the guy at LFS gave it to me to put in it.
Now then i took a sample of water to my LFS and they tested it said it was gr8t here put this in. So i did day 2 they r doing gr8t. As for the anemone i do think that i will be waiting on that for a bit. Till i get some time under my belt before i tackel that 1. txs for all you have done for me but i still dont have the answer to the first ? i ask what kind of anemone goes with my percs


Active Member
It really depends. Are your clownfish tank-raised or from the wild? Often times, tank-raised clownfish never take to hosting an anemone because they were never out in the wild where they normally would host one. Even so, clownfish will only host something they WANT to host. Some have been known to host hair algae :) . But to answer your question, some have had success with the following anemones: Bubble tips, most types of carpets, Pink Tip Haitians, and Sebaes. Don't be surprised if your clownfish doesn't take to the first anemone you stick in your tank.


Active Member
Hey RogueTang
Are you saying you put the percs, crabs and shrimp in a 5 day old tank??
If so I wouldnt be suprised if you loose all of them. Your tank has not even begun to cycle.
As for the anemone I agree with Caddy. Your anemone will be way too much for a 12g tank. Also if you are able to keep it happy what are you going to do when it grows?


Active Member
The best thing I have ever heard about an anemone/clown relationship came from a LFS.
I asked how long should it take for my clown to pair up with my anemone.
The guy asked, Are you married?
I said yes. He said well how long did it take you?
Point well taken.


22caddy.... i disagree with you. i dont know what majority you were talking to... i kept a green bta in a 10 gallon nano for 7 months with no problems and now he has been in my 20 long for 5 months and going. "cant" is not a word in the saltwater world. we are doing things these days that 30 years ago no one would even think of attempting.
A local LFS had what they called a neon BTA. I kid you not the thing was about a foot around. That gonna fit in a 12 gallon for the rest of its life. Bang Guy has some mini carpet anemones. That would be all I could recommend for a nano.


New Member
Thought I'd just throw my 2 cents on the counter.
If you aren't dead set on an anemone, there are some other animals that clowns are known to host. I don't know this from personal experience, but I've read that some varieties of Sarcophyton are attractive to clowns. The sarcos are extremely hardy and easy to propagate...
Just a thought...


Active Member
That is true- my littler perc hangs out with my sarco and a big toadstool sometimes at night.
On that popular auction site there have been quite a few neon green sarcos. Very cool.