new nano


New Member
Added bonus, the sarco does well in almost any light...the one in the picture was reportedly under only 1.5 watts per gallon NO flourescent.


i also have an opinion in the "thread of tention". 22CADDY, i agree with sammy. my little brother wanted to be just like me and get a saltwater tank. he got the 12 gallon cube (same as rogue). he has a perc that hosts to a small bubble tip anemone. there was a filtration problem and now the both of them live in my dad's 29 gallon. he still hosts to the anemone and has taken a liking to my dad's hairy mushrooms. nothing is impossible in this hobby. trying is part of the fun and excitment, and succeeding to make the "impossible" possible makes it even better. rogue i suggest: bubble tip or a small carpet, or you could try hair shrooms and other corals that have "hair-like" tentacles.


New Member
RogueTang, I have the exact same Nano you do. I had my set up running for 6 days but I had live sand and water in it when I started. I actually took 10 gallons of the water that my anemonie had been living in. That made me feel alot better. I dont know the history of your water. Either way the people at the Indianapolis Aquarium recomended that I use a Hiatian anemonie with a perc for awhile. So far all is well. In fact my Anemonie seems to be doing great, though the clown is not fully immune to the anemonie. I dont know if anyone else posted that captive born clowns have to actually aclimate themselves to an anemonie to build up immunity. I dont know if any of this is helpful but hey :).
*waits for the flames*


day 8 of the nano things look good but i have a little high nitrite today of 20 but everything else is good across the board
I am going to do a 10% water change tommorrow. Then we will see how things r after that. How often can i do 10% water changes?
BTW the fish look happy they r eating 2 times aday and the little shimp even came out for feeding time today(first time i seen him since i put him in)


the reason u had gr8 water was because u have had no spikes yet so yur tank is still perfect. I bet it will start to spike now. i think 20 is a lot for nitrite.


feed fish once a day. over feeding will result in high amonia, trites and trates. just giving you a heads up:yes: . im glad everything is going well so far, but you should be prepared for the spike that is beginning. 20 tries is pretty high. be ready for the ammonia spike next:yes: . can you post some pics rogue?


ok 24 hours have gone(almost) the tank has settled down to almost nothing, and the water is very clear. Did some cleaning during change. Fish freaked out but they did well and they r back on track today. Eating good to lazy for pics today il post some up tomorrow


Active Member
I still think it is way too small for an anemone and too soon for any livestock.
Let us see a pic when you get a diatom outbreak.


ok day 12 is the day that it happend. I came home today from work and there it was. i know it was not there when i left this morning. the nitrite was back down to about 10. Everything else is doin fine nothing really to report. Except that my 10$ pepermint shimp is not eating the aptasia?sp that is in my tank.looks like its time for joes jucie


are you talking about the red/brown algae? might want to purchase some snails and hermits. btw, $10 for a peepermint shrimp seems like a rip off to me. they are $3.99 here.