Ive been reading along with this and although clarkiiclo was being a jerk to u the whole time, you shoulda gotten the hint cuz hes told u numerous times. You never cycled through yer tank, didnt research enough prior to setting up your tank,a dn the biggest mistake of all, listening to your local fish store. They will tell you anything, and the levels looked fine becuz you didnt HAVE any levels yet. Hence, the tank hadnt cycled. Now it has started, and you have livestock AND an anemone in ther. Tanks, ESPECIALLY tanks as small as yers, need to have pristine water quality in order to have an anemone. I am sorry to tell you that it is going to die becuz of yer ignorance. People told you that you had to wait a couple monthes, but you wnet ahead and got it anyway, probably cuz the fish store told you that you could.
Heres a hint: they dont care about your fish or yer tank or yer anemone; they care about your money, and they will tell you wat YOU want to hear so they can ring up yer order and take yer money, with a nice smirk on their faces.
Now, either take the anemone back now or let it die and cause even more trouble to your tank, cuz it will die. The clowns might be fine cuz they are hardy fish, but in a tank this small the cycle could very well kill them. SO, remove livestock, keep the shrimp if you like, dont do any more water changes for a little while. Put in a small powerhead or two for flow and do some research. I dont have a nano myself, but I know enough to tell you that you jumped the gun like most new hobbiests, and have seen this happen all too often. Dont get discouraged by the whole thing, just see it as a turning point.
Now, good luck with it all, and PLEASE listen to wat these people are telling you. They are trying to help you, and unlike the fish store, they dont get paid. Their advice is grade A, first rate EXPERIENCE, and they are here becuz they want to help.