new nano


Yes its diatom it was there when i got home today i have Redleg and a Blue leg so what do i need to do for this is it dangerous


I ran into a problem last night. One of my clowns is acting a little strange, swimming aratice and doing just some strange thing with the rock he even laied down it it last night. The other clown seems to be fine and they both ate good this morning. he seems to be in his normal spot this morning.
BTW i got a new ph pen its a milwalkie smart plus anyone know how to work this thing all i get is error?


Talked to my fish guy. He says it maybe bad he had 1 do same thing. So he is going to send it back and get me a new 1. I done a 10% water change today. Everything looks gr8t today. The clown is doin good back to his old self, and the tank is cristal clear no pics today but i got a suprise for u all tomorrow.


22caddy.... an anemone will stunt growth to the size of tank. yes in years it might get too big but that may be the point that "one" wants to upgrade.


an anemone will stunt growth to the size of tank.
Could you quote sources of this information because this is new to me. It is not fact that things grow to the size of a tank.


You are going to fast. If you must try the anemone, you really need to wait six months, but since you don't seem to care, good luck.


but since you don't seem to care, good luck
i do care but i have read that some put thing in the next day, and some who cant keep one in 1 year. So who do i believe?Then yesturday i read a post that made alot of since to me. The guy said to not listen to anyone. go and do what i want when i want. Livestock is going to be lost regurdless of how good or how long i wait. In his opinion he said just make sure u use some of the low end stock to test with so that u dont loose a lot of money. Then i use my own failures to make my chooses better for the next project. But i have a good staff of gr8t LFS staff and one lives very close to me. So if anything happends he will be here in 15min. With a bucket of good seawater and a light. So i am not worried. but i will keep updating to keep u all informed


Active Member
There are people who add livestock on the first day. There is also a 99% chance they are gonna loose them. If you read the majority of the posts regarding cycling your tank you will see that you should :
Add your sand(preferred)
Add your live rock(if you are going to have any)
Use distilled or RO, RO/DI water
Use a good salt and create a mix that is 1.025 or 35ppt
Slowly add the water to the tank
Turn on your equipment
Use a raw shrimp or fish food to start the cycle
Test your water at a minimum once a week to monitor the ammonia/nitrites/nitrates
Dont do anything until your levels fall to zero or very near zero. You may have a bit of nitrates left but they should be less than 5.
When the levels fall you can do a 10% water change. Wait at least a week too see if your levels stay low.
After that you can get a cleanup crew. See how they handle the new tank and then think about a fish.
I can say that Bang Guy suggests putting the sand in after the water and making a big mess to get all the air pockets out of the sand as it settles.
I must say I think your LFS is full of it. Anyone who would tell you to put an anemone in a new tank is a bit off. Peppermint shrimp will eat aiptasia but not as a steady diet. If you feed the fish they are going to like that much better than some old aip.
You mean you dont care if you waste money? Wow that must be nice.
Why subject yourself to the pain in the butt of losing livestock and money?
Instead of doing that why dont you just give me the money?
I can always use an upgrade on my lights...........
I can understand the learing process of trial and error but I think I would have picked a hobby where you dont have to kill things for your trials.
Next thing that will happen to your tank- the prediction is...... ICK
This was not meant to be a flame towards you. Im just trying to help.
I really think you are going to be unhappy with the results of your tank these first few months and that may turn you away from the hobby. It is a great hobby with lots of rewards. But there are soo many tanks for sale that are only a few months old because "this it too hard" or "i dont have the time".
Alot of those is due to bad info from LFS and a lack of preparation.
Just a thought............


Of course the chances of putting a fish in on the first day and it living are .0001 because the salt has not mixed in water


Ive been reading along with this and although clarkiiclo was being a jerk to u the whole time, you shoulda gotten the hint cuz hes told u numerous times. You never cycled through yer tank, didnt research enough prior to setting up your tank,a dn the biggest mistake of all, listening to your local fish store. They will tell you anything, and the levels looked fine becuz you didnt HAVE any levels yet. Hence, the tank hadnt cycled. Now it has started, and you have livestock AND an anemone in ther. Tanks, ESPECIALLY tanks as small as yers, need to have pristine water quality in order to have an anemone. I am sorry to tell you that it is going to die becuz of yer ignorance. People told you that you had to wait a couple monthes, but you wnet ahead and got it anyway, probably cuz the fish store told you that you could.
Heres a hint: they dont care about your fish or yer tank or yer anemone; they care about your money, and they will tell you wat YOU want to hear so they can ring up yer order and take yer money, with a nice smirk on their faces.
Now, either take the anemone back now or let it die and cause even more trouble to your tank, cuz it will die. The clowns might be fine cuz they are hardy fish, but in a tank this small the cycle could very well kill them. SO, remove livestock, keep the shrimp if you like, dont do any more water changes for a little while. Put in a small powerhead or two for flow and do some research. I dont have a nano myself, but I know enough to tell you that you jumped the gun like most new hobbiests, and have seen this happen all too often. Dont get discouraged by the whole thing, just see it as a turning point.
Now, good luck with it all, and PLEASE listen to wat these people are telling you. They are trying to help you, and unlike the fish store, they dont get paid. Their advice is grade A, first rate EXPERIENCE, and they are here becuz they want to help.


Active Member
Ive been reading along with this and although clarkiiclo was being a jerk
By the way Im a girl. Why does everyone think Im a guy?:confused:
That is why I said it wasnt meant to be mean. Sometimes I have to speak my mind and it may come out a bit harsh.:yes:
Just trying to help. I dont want to see Rogues tank die but I think it is gonna.


Hey ClarkiiClo, I knew you were a girl, but I think the Clark part of your username throws everyone off. :D
Anyway, Rogue, did you use Turbo Start to make your tank cycle in 3-5 days? My husband bought some of that and our tank still hasn't cycled. It's been over two weeks and everything except our nitrites is off the charts. HOWEVER, we used it on our Nano (same as yours) and it cycled in under two weeks. We added our clean-up crew then, our clown the next week, and then our gramma and goby the next. All are alive 5 months later. We had talked about an anenome, but now that my clown is hosting in our torch coral, that's a good enough replacement for me!

Good luck with your tank! I hope everything works out!:)


I used a product called BIO-Spara made by marineland. It doesnt cycle the tank in 24 hours, but it setts up the bio-filter to help with the nitrate and amonia spikes to keep them very low. The tank has been level and good for 3 days now. the clowns will not host in this anemone because its the wrong kind(condy). I am getting ready to start a 29G and i will be doing just like clarkiiclo said to, and u r all rite i listened to my LFS. They r out to make money not hobbiest. I think i got lucky on my nano its been good for a few days now the anemone is a tough little cookie, but i think it will be fine thank u all for watching out for me and i am taking your advise for the 29g. Il be cycleing it before i put anything in it and i am not useing anything to ad this process. It will be done all natural. txs again and clarkiiclo i though u was a wemen when i seen you rare the fangs up at me. lol j/k:hilarious