New Oceanic Nano Protein Skimmer


Ok. I'll adjust it and see what comes of it.
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
You shouldnt get hardly any water at all in your collection cup. You may need to adjust your airflow. The bubbles should only come up to the top of the holding chamber below. Any skimate that accumulates will be forced up into the collection box over time.
I am no longer using iodine at this time and I got an iodine test kit for x-mas. Along with a calcium test kit as well. I LOVE test kits!

Originally Posted by mfp1016
The skimmer does not need to be off to dose iodine. However, I strongly discourage the dosing of iodine for enumerable reasons.
I just had my phosphate tested, it was zero. I regularly test my water and my nitrite and nitrate are both zero as well. The tank is about 10 months old. I have some great coralline algae and halimeda. Everything in the tank is within normal parameters. I just get this thin green algae on the glass (and ONLY on the glass) about every 3 days. It scrapes off easily, but it gets on my nerves.
I'm going to have my tap water tested tomorrow. I get a water report from my water company and everything looks fine, but I'm going to get the test done anyway.
What else could be causing the algae?
RO/DI is not an option in my non-perfect world. ;)
Thanks for all the tips.

Originally Posted by mfp1016

You should check your phosphate levels. Also, using RO/DI will greatly diminish nuisance algaes. If this is a new tank, several algae blooms occur before coralline growth. A skimmer will cut down on algae as it will take out nutrients, but using RO/DI water is the biggest factor.


If RO/DI is not possible then try to get a cheapo tap-water filter, $25 or $30 and they a pretty decent job of filtering water close to 0 TDS.
A reading of zero can be misleading with algaes. All plants take in nutrients (NO2, NO3, NH3, PO3) in order to carry out their livelihood. If you're getting a reading of zero on parameters then you essentially have a steady state system of nutrient export. That is, you have enough algae to take those nutrients out of the water. So, a zero on phosphates doesn't always mean you have a low phosphate content. Try to give your water report a thorough look through and compare to available information on the net about the purity of mixing water. Most RO/DIs are designed to filter the water to 0 TDS, whereas 10 is considered the max by many. Just some food for thought, there's plenty more information out there about algae-nutrient relationships.
As far as the algal blooms, 10 months is a pretty standard time for many tanks to decrease nuisance algae growths and start producing large amounts of Coralline. Some tanks do it in as little as 5 or 6 months, while others tank take a long time. Other than purifying your water source, all I can recommend is the extensive use of clean-up crews and other misc. invertebrate algaevores.


For some reason some of my post got cut out.
I use chaeto as my nutrient export. Have you considered using a refugium with macroalgae? What you could do is add a refugium, kill the lights for 3 or 4 days with a water change every day, and you should start to see a a decline in algae growth.


I went by my office today to take a better look at the skimmer that the maintenance guy put in for me on Friday. Glad that I did! He put it in there alright, but he had it suction cupped to the back wall of the first chamber, and not like how it was supposed to be (hooked onto the wall dividing the first and second chamber)
I uncupped it from the back wall and hooked it up properly by hanging it over the wall divinding the first and second chamber. I plugged it in to see how it would work and there wasn't a control valve on there or that other thing that's supposed to be there near the pump. (sorry, I don't have the box in front of me) I looked at the actual skimmer and saw that it was bubbling right up to the top of the reaction chamber, so does that mean that it's working properly? Would it still work without me having those two little attachments (control valve and the other thing) The guy left the box and instructions after he put it in and I looked everywhere in the box and didn't see these two things.
When I get back to work, I'll ask him if he remembers seeing them, and if not, and if these things are needed to make the skimmer work properly, then I will take it back to my LFS and see if I can get another that has complete parts.


Your skimmer should bubble up to the collar of the reaction chamber, basically the black plastic where you set the collection cup on. You need both of those parts for SAFE and EFFICIENT operation.


Yeah, I plan on getting a filter for the tap, just haven't done it yet due to laziness.
I got the tap water tested yesterday. negative for phosphates. I sent my water report to a friend that ran a fish store for many years (retired now) and he said everything looked fine. I plan on getting the water tested at two other places though, just to make sure.
I've had a problem with my coralline bleaching. Which is one of the reasons I've been having the water tested. However I think I have that one figured out. I have 4 colors, white, pink, purple and red. The pink is the only one that is bleaching, and it is still in crevices and under the rocks. So I assume that the pink is more light sensitive, since I just noticed the purple is REALLY taking off! It seems to be everywhere now. I was a bit surprised. But in a good way. All the red seems steady, but hasn't spread.
I'm guessing snails are the only critters that would clean the glass? But to keep it completely under control, it seems like I would need an awful lot of them?
I have cheato in the main display tank along with the halimda.
BTW my lights are on a 12 hour schedule for the 10k. 13 for the actinic. If I cut the light period will it cause any problems for my corals? I have 2 mushrooms, 1 ricoria and a candy cane.
I have plans for a 'fuge in the future. Again thanks for all the advice.
Originally Posted by mfp1016
If RO/DI is not possible then try to get a cheapo tap-water filter, $25 or $30 and they a pretty decent job of filtering water close to 0 TDS.
A reading of zero can be misleading with algaes. All plants take in nutrients (NO2, NO3, NH3, PO3) in order to carry out their livelihood. If you're getting a reading of zero on parameters then you essentially have a steady state system of nutrient export. That is, you have enough algae to take those nutrients out of the water. So, a zero on phosphates doesn't always mean you have a low phosphate content. Try to give your water report a thorough look through and compare to available information on the net about the purity of mixing water. Most RO/DIs are designed to filter the water to 0 TDS, whereas 10 is considered the max by many. Just some food for thought, there's plenty more information out there about algae-nutrient relationships.
As far as the algal blooms, 10 months is a pretty standard time for many tanks to decrease nuisance algae growths and start producing large amounts of Coralline. Some tanks do it in as little as 5 or 6 months, while others tank take a long time. Other than purifying your water source, all I can recommend is the extensive use of clean-up crews and other misc. invertebrate algaevores.


Originally Posted by mfp1016
Your skimmer should bubble up to the collar of the reaction chamber, basically the black plastic where you set the collection cup on. You need both of those parts for SAFE and EFFICIENT operation.
I saw that it does bubble up to just where I set the collection cup on and immediately the collection cup gets some "condensation". My skimmer is unplugged right now until I go back to work on Thursday. I'll e-mail my LFS right now to give them the "heads up" about those two pieces not being in the box. Weird.


I adjusted my skimmer, however now I'm only getting clear water. I've adjusted it back to were it was. I believe I had it correct to begin with, I simply don't have much of a bioload at the moment so the skimmate isn't thick.
Here is what happens when the ocean's protein skimmer goes haywire.

BTW, I've never attached a photo in this forum so I don't know if it is going to work.
"According to a couple of scientific sources, like Cosis, foam in sea water is caused by phytoplankton biomass. I remember in my travels seeing bits of foam washed ashore, but, of course, nothing like what happened in Yamba, New South Wales, Australia".

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
I went by my office today to take a better look at the skimmer that the maintenance guy put in for me on Friday. Glad that I did! He put it in there alright, but he had it suction cupped to the back wall of the first chamber, and not like how it was supposed to be (hooked onto the wall dividing the first and second chamber)
I uncupped it from the back wall and hooked it up properly by hanging it over the wall divinding the first and second chamber. I plugged it in to see how it would work and there wasn't a control valve on there or that other thing that's supposed to be there near the pump. (sorry, I don't have the box in front of me) I looked at the actual skimmer and saw that it was bubbling right up to the top of the reaction chamber, so does that mean that it's working properly? Would it still work without me having those two little attachments (control valve and the other thing) The guy left the box and instructions after he put it in and I looked everywhere in the box and didn't see these two things.
When I get back to work, I'll ask him if he remembers seeing them, and if not, and if these things are needed to make the skimmer work properly, then I will take it back to my LFS and see if I can get another that has complete parts.
I know exactly where you shop based off this post


Originally Posted by sign guy
I know exactly where you shop based off this post
You do??


Well, poop!~

I got the two missing pieces from my LFS and put them together and now the skimmer doesn't work at all. Before, when the pieces were missing, it worked fine and the bubbles were right up to the top where the collection container sits. Now, it doesn't even bubble.

And yes, I did plug it in!
The air pump vibrates and everything, just nothing.
Any suggestions?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Well, poop!~

I got the two missing pieces from my LFS and put them together and now the skimmer doesn't work at all. Before, when the pieces were missing, it worked fine and the bubbles were right up to the top where the collection container sits. Now, it doesn't even bubble.

And yes, I did plug it in!
The air pump vibrates and everything, just nothing.
Any suggestions?

well i know this is a dump question but did u adjust the air valve?


Originally Posted by MaTT B
well i know this is a dump question but did u adjust the air valve?
I did, and played with the whole thing, adjusting it up and down and still nothing....


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Well, poop!~

I got the two missing pieces from my LFS and put them together and now the skimmer doesn't work at all. Before, when the pieces were missing, it worked fine and the bubbles were right up to the top where the collection container sits. Now, it doesn't even bubble.

And yes, I did plug it in!
The air pump vibrates and everything, just nothing.
Any suggestions?

The clear piece is a check valve make sure its on the correct way. Its purpose is to prevent a water leak should the air pump die. Water will back up to that valve but cannot get passed it. It only allows passage from one direction. Just a thought.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
The clear piece is a check valve make sure its on the correct way. Its purpose is to prevent a water leak should the air pump die. Water will back up to that valve but cannot get passed it. It only allows passage from one direction. Just a thought.
The arrow on that clear piece is pointing away from the pump. Should the arrow be pointing TOWARDS the pump?


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
The arrow on that clear piece is pointing away from the pump. Should the arrow be pointing TOWARDS the pump?

Take it off and blow on each end... one should let air pass the other should not. If both do not, there is the source of your problem. You can buy a check valve at almost any LFS only a couple of bucks.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Take it off and blow on each end... one should let air pass the other should not. If both do not, there is the source of your problem. You can buy a check valve at almost any LFS only a couple of bucks.
Well, well, well.... you guys are some smart people!~

I took it off and blew on both ends and put it back on and now it works!

What's up with that?? It just wants to give me a hard time, I think!~

Thanks for all the help. I'll see how it does!


Heh heh, I was going to suggest the same thing, since I installed a check valve wrong way on another air pump. Makes ya feel REAL smart huh?

BTW, I have a coral question for you. I finally got to take a look at you tank photos while using my mom's high speed.
Originally Posted by KAT74
Well, well, well.... you guys are some smart people!~

I took it off and blew on both ends and put it back on and now it works!

What's up with that?? It just wants to give me a hard time, I think!~

Thanks for all the help. I'll see how it does!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Well, well, well.... you guys are some smart people!~

I took it off and blew on both ends and put it back on and now it works!

What's up with that?? It just wants to give me a hard time, I think!~

Thanks for all the help. I'll see how it does!

Sometimes that one way valve can get stuck closed. If someone were to force a large amount of air the wrong way through it. Then when you got it and tried to put it on the correct way it was "jammed" for lack of a better word. Manually blowing in it typically corrects the issue because its stronger than any air pump could do.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
You do??

blue planet in mcdonough, that guy sends more people to this site in tears than anyone