New Oceanic Nano Protein Skimmer



Originally Posted by sign guy
blue planet in mcdonough, that guy sends more people to this site in tears than anyone
Blue Planet is one of the LFS that I go to, but Premier Aquatics is who maintains our lobby tank and their maintenance guy is the one who tried to install my protein skimmer, but as you can see, I was better off to install it myself!~


Originally Posted by sign guy
where Is Premier Aquatics at never heard of them.
Premier Aquatics is an aquarium maintenance company located in Marietta/Roswell, off of Johnson Ferry Road. They maintain all of the "Up the Creek" restaurant tanks too. They also have a LFS which they own called Marine Fish and Reef located in the same building.

sign guy

Active Member
oh yeah I think I went there once jhonston rd is off 285 right. Im just stoked to see someone from south of I20 on the boards


Originally Posted by sign guy
oh yeah I think I went there once jhonston rd is off 285 right. Im just stoked to see someone from south of I20 on the boards

I'm sure that you can get there from 285, but it's easiest for me to take 85 North to get there. It's super easy to get there and they really have great, awesome corals and fish, and they actually have frags there for us nano folks, which I was THRILLED to see!~

I know!! GREAT to see another person in my "neck of the woods"... woohoo!!~


Originally Posted by sazarac
BTW, I have a coral question for you. I finally got to take a look at you tank photos while using my mom's high speed.
Sure! Ask anything!


Thank KAT74,
I recently bought my first corals. 2 mushrooms, 1 ricoria, and 1 candy cane. My first question in the series (heh heh) is about the candy cane.
I've had it about 2 weeks now, and the feeding/sweeper tentacles are out 24/7.
I noticed the tentacles are more pronounced at night, but they are always out in some capacity. Sometimes hardly noticeable, but always there. From what I've been reading online, that isn't normal behavior, but I can't seem to find anything specific to explain why!

Are they hungry? I don't have any fish yet, so there isn't any food in the water. I do have some pellets I bought for a peppermint shrimp (now in the q-tank for attempted coral molestation) but I don't have anything other then that. I did notice two heads fighting over a gammarus shrimp. So one head got something to eat. Good for him! (it?)
Any ideas? Water params are normal. They look great, nice and plump during the day, nice striping. And they aren't near any of the other corals.
Originally Posted by KAT74
Sure! Ask anything!


Originally Posted by sazarac
Thank KAT74,
I recently bought my first corals. 2 mushrooms, 1 ricoria, and 1 candy cane. My first question in the series (heh heh) is about the candy cane.
I've had it about 2 weeks now, and the feeding/sweeper tentacles are out 24/7.
I noticed the tentacles are more pronounced at night, but they are always out in some capacity. Sometimes hardly noticeable, but always there. From what I've been reading online, that isn't normal behavior, but I can't seem to find anything specific to explain why!

Are they hungry? I don't have any fish yet, so there isn't any food in the water. I do have some pellets I bought for a peppermint shrimp (now in the q-tank for attempted coral molestation) but I don't have anything other then that. I did notice two heads fighting over a gammarus shrimp. So one head got something to eat. Good for him! (it?)
Any ideas? Water params are normal. They look great, nice and plump during the day, nice striping. And they aren't near any of the other corals.
Hmmmm... I don't know why feeder/sweeper tentacles would be out 24/7, especially with no other corals around it. The only thing I can think of is that yes, they are hungry. Feed those babies!~
Where did the shrimp come from? I bet they enjoyed that!

I know that my candy canes love meaty foods and they will eat a mixture of frozen brine, mysis and marine cuisine soaked in garlic plus, zooplex and omega fatty acid supplement that I feed my fish also. The trick is... what food they can hold on to without the piggies swimming around stealing it from them!
You said that they looked nice and plump, so I wouldn't worry too much, but try feeding them a couple of times a week and see if that makes any difference on their tentacles staying out.


Okay... I've had my skimmer working since last Thursday. I am getting about a half cup of almost clear water skimmate each day. Is it working properly??
I have a large bioload (2 juvenile misbar clowns, bicolor blenny, scooter blenny and fairy wrasse) as well as a tank full of corals. I do weekly 20% water changes on Fridays. My parameters are:
T: 80.5-9
SG: 1.025
Ammonia: 0
PH: 8.2
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0-5
Calcium: 400
Phosphates: 0
I took the collection cup off and this is where the bubbles are, does this look right?? This is as high as my bubbles will go.

Any suggestions?

Surely I should have something
nasty coming out!~


Active Member
Thats really aggressive skimming you shouldnt get that much water so quickly your bubbles should come to the top of the reaction chamber, and then the collection cup should accumulate foam.


Phooey...ok. I'll try feeding then. I'll see if any of the pet stores have any frozen fish food. I'll see if I can find mysis, like you said, what about silversides?
I've got loads of the lil shrimpy dudes. Guess they hitchhicked in. I got a kick out of watching them try and steal the full sized shrimps pellets. I saw the "remains" of the gammarus being "expelled" this morning.
They won't have any competition, but I'll use my sea squirt to spot feed each. Should I go ahead and feed the 'shrooms and ricoria as well? Same stuff? Or something different?
I've attached a photo of the candy cane. I had to use the flash. I couldn't get a clear pic of them fluorescing under the actinic. The color is a bit off, they are a fleshy pink color. They fluoresce a nice green. The whole critter is about 3 inches tall.
They've just started closing up for the night. You can see the sweepers quite nicely. Which is pretty much how they are all day. They will be more closed up in a bit, with longer sweepers once the lights are off.
BTW, 2 things about the cc are different in my tank. I didn't see any tentacles in the shop, and they didn't have any stripes in the shop either.
Originally Posted by KAT74
Hmmmm... I don't know why feeder/sweeper tentacles would be out 24/7, especially with no other corals around it. The only thing I can think of is that yes, they are hungry. Feed those babies!~
Where did the shrimp come from? I bet they enjoyed that!

I know that my candy canes love meaty foods and they will eat a mixture of frozen brine, mysis and marine cuisine soaked in garlic plus, zooplex and omega fatty acid supplement that I feed my fish also. The trick is... what food they can hold on to without the piggies swimming around stealing it from them!
You said that they looked nice and plump, so I wouldn't worry too much, but try feeding them a couple of times a week and see if that makes any difference on their tentacles staying out.



Originally Posted by sazarac
Phooey...ok. I'll try feeding then. I'll see if any of the pet stores have any frozen fish food. I'll see if I can find mysis, like you said, what about silversides?
I've got loads of the lil shrimpy dudes. Guess they hitchhicked in. I got a kick out of watching them try and steal the full sized shrimps pellets. I saw the "remains" of the gammarus being "expelled" this morning.
They won't have any competition, but I'll use my sea squirt to spot feed each. Should I go ahead and feed the 'shrooms and ricoria as well? Same stuff? Or something different?
I've attached a photo of the candy cane. I had to use the flash. I couldn't get a clear pic of them fluorescing under the actinic. The color is a bit off, they are a fleshy pink color. They fluoresce a nice green. The whole critter is about 3 inches tall.
They've just started closing up for the night. You can see the sweepers quite nicely. Which is pretty much how they are all day. They will be more closed up in a bit, with longer sweepers once the lights are off.
BTW, 2 things about the cc are different in my tank. I didn't see any tentacles in the shop, and they didn't have any stripes in the shop either.
Good deal! Try feeding them regularly!

Did they look plump in the shop?


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Thats really aggressive skimming you shouldnt get that much water so quickly your bubbles should come to the top of the reaction chamber, and then the collection cup should accumulate foam.
What should I do? Any suggestions? I came in this morning and there was a little bit of light yellow water, no foam.

Right now, the bubbles come to the top lip of the reaction chamber, like you see in the pic. Do I need to adjust the bubbles to come just below it, at the actual top of the reaction chamber and not the "lip" where the collection cup sits?

Your help is greatly appreciated, as always!~


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
What should I do? Any suggestions? I came in this morning and there was a little bit of light yellow water, no foam.

Right now, the bubbles come to the top lip of the reaction chamber, like you see in the pic. Do I need to adjust the bubbles to come just below it, at the actual top of the reaction chamber and not the "lip" where the collection cup sits?

Your help is greatly appreciated, as always!~

Nope where it is now is ideal.... just watch your water level thats what usually throws it off. More water in than what that pic shows and the bubbles will be higher. Less water may not give you much skimming at all. But as far as I can see thats right where you need it. If your getting a large amount of water in a short amount of time you can either decrease the air flow or raise the unit out of the water a bit. Remember small adjustments and wait about 5 minutes in between because it doest adjust immediatly.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Nope where it is now is ideal.... just watch your water level thats what usually throws it off. More water in than what that pic shows and the bubbles will be higher. Less water may not give you much skimming at all. But as far as I can see thats right where you need it. If your getting a large amount of water in a short amount of time you can either decrease the air flow or raise the unit out of the water a bit. Remember small adjustments and wait about 5 minutes in between because it doest adjust immediatly.
Thanks so much for your help!~ Will keep an eye on it!

I emptied the cup this morning when I got to work at 8:30am. Will check on it again before I leave work today (usually between 5-6pm) and will see what the cup contains.


Active Member
Do you really need a skimmer on a 24 gal or smaller nano , if you are doing 20% weekly water changes? Just curious. Thanks and sorry if im jackin your thread


No worries Blazin2k6, I started the thread, and it is a valid question.
I've read all aquariums, both salt and fresh should have a skimmer, and I've read the nano's don't need one if a regular water change is done. I got my skimmer for my b-day, and I don't see how it can hurt. Even with regular water changes, which goes without saying. And this one fit without any modifications, which is a plus.
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Do you really need a skimmer on a 24 gal or smaller nano , if you are doing 20% weekly water changes? Just curious. Thanks and sorry if im jackin your thread


Active Member
IMO you can never have enough filtration.. so do you need it? Prob not. Would it benifit you? Well it wouldnt hurt you. But if you had 0 trates before and no real issues with water quality then it prob wouldnt benifit you at all.


They are definitely bigger in my tank then at the shop. Granted I've had them a couple of weeks, and I was only on the store an hour or so, so I can't say what sort of changes they may have gone through at the store during the day.
I just noticed another change. The centers of each head right around the mouth are now a deeper pink. (shrug) I guess the water chemistry is causing some changes.
OH, BTW, I read that these coral can have a nasty sting. Is that true? I read on another forum, this one fellow gets stung constantly by his candy cane. Maybe they didn't like his cologne.

I've handled mine a couple of times without mishap, but now I'm a bit concerned now they have they "dukes up" so to speak.
Originally Posted by KAT74
Good deal! Try feeding them regularly!

Did they look plump in the shop?


I purchased this unit and It arrived today, set it up and got it running with no problems after reading this forum, ive decided to take off the air-flow valve off just to give it direct air flow, and I put the top of the bubbles about 3/4 inch from the top of the black peice that leads to the collection cup, ill let you all know how it looks in the morning, should give it a good 9 hours of skimming.
Also, where do you want the WATER line to be, compared to the reaction chamber? how much above or below it? I read you want it just ABOVE it?