Phooey...ok. I'll try feeding then. I'll see if any of the pet stores have any frozen fish food. I'll see if I can find mysis, like you said, what about silversides?
I've got loads of the lil shrimpy dudes. Guess they hitchhicked in. I got a kick out of watching them try and steal the full sized shrimps pellets. I saw the "remains" of the gammarus being "expelled" this morning.
They won't have any competition, but I'll use my sea squirt to spot feed each. Should I go ahead and feed the 'shrooms and ricoria as well? Same stuff? Or something different?
I've attached a photo of the candy cane. I had to use the flash. I couldn't get a clear pic of them fluorescing under the actinic. The color is a bit off, they are a fleshy pink color. They fluoresce a nice green. The whole critter is about 3 inches tall.
They've just started closing up for the night. You can see the sweepers quite nicely. Which is pretty much how they are all day. They will be more closed up in a bit, with longer sweepers once the lights are off.
BTW, 2 things about the cc are different in my tank. I didn't see any tentacles in the shop, and they didn't have any stripes in the shop either.
Originally Posted by
Hmmmm... I don't know why feeder/sweeper tentacles would be out 24/7, especially with no other corals around it. The only thing I can think of is that yes, they are hungry. Feed those babies!~
Where did the shrimp come from? I bet they enjoyed that!
I know that my candy canes love meaty foods and they will eat a mixture of frozen brine, mysis and marine cuisine soaked in garlic plus, zooplex and omega fatty acid supplement that I feed my fish also. The trick is... what food they can hold on to without the piggies swimming around stealing it from them!
You said that they looked nice and plump, so I wouldn't worry too much, but try feeding them a couple of times a week and see if that makes any difference on their tentacles staying out.