New Oceanic Nano Protein Skimmer


New Member
I have the BioCube skimmer in my 14 and I have been getting nothing but water for 2 weeks now. I even adjusted the bubbles to be at the top of the black collar and nothing.... So I rinsed the whole thing down last night with warm water and re-installed it.
This morning I am seeing more foam forming. I did raise the bubble level to be about half way up the cup tube, after reading this thread I will try to lower it to the suggested level.
On the topic of replacing the stone, I thought someone said that the black collar does come off? If that's the case then thats fine. Also I have found a source for replacement stones, BUT there are 2 sizes available. There is a shorter size and the standard size. I wonder if using the shorter stone would result in better skimming because there is more time for the bubbles to mix with the air.
I had also thought about cutting the corners of the stone down so that you would have 8 surfaces generating bubbles instead of only 4...
Am I crazy or what?


Active Member
I dont mean to ressurect an old thread, but I found this one would be a better place for a question than making a new one. I just ordered the Oceanic Biocube skimmer for my 24 gallon aquapod. Ive been having a dissolved organics problem and hope this will help take them down to as low as possible.
My question is, can I keep the skimmer in the intake chamber and get good results? I have the bag of bioballs that the aquapod came with and the blue sponges. Also, is the part that you have to replace available online? Is it the wooden part?
Thank you.


Active Member
i had a bc skimmer, decided not to use it, and sold it. now im having nutrient overload, and have decided to go for it.
when i get it, i plan on looking for a way to mod it to a soda bottle for overflow.
i remember reading this thread when i bought my original one. glad i was able to find it again.


The coralife limestone (wooden airstone) is easy to find both locally and online and comes in a two pack. I believe you can have the skimmer anywhere as long as there is a high enough water level.
Yes cmslick3, the collar does come off, but in my case, it didn't come off easily. If you try the shorter limestone, or cut the sides, let us know how it goes.
Originally Posted by paintballer768
I dont mean to ressurect an old thread, but I found this one would be a better place for a question than making a new one. I just ordered the Oceanic Biocube skimmer for my 24 gallon aquapod. Ive been having a dissolved organics problem and hope this will help take them down to as low as possible.
My question is, can I keep the skimmer in the intake chamber and get good results? I have the bag of bioballs that the aquapod came with and the blue sponges. Also, is the part that you have to replace available online? Is it the wooden part?
Thank you.


Active Member
it's all about water level CFR, you have to mess with the position the skimmer is in relative to the water level in the spot you have it. Mine finally is working well with some really dry skimmate being produced.


Active Member
i have it in chamber 1, hooked onto the side wall as instructed.
maybe i should raise it up a bit from there. is there not a bar inside the hood that would push it down regardless?


Active Member
im still getting really wet skimmate. i mean, i can see that there is funk built up in the collection cup (more like slime).
im about due for an airstone change, so i will do that today.
i can go about 2 days between cup emptyings. maybe i have it turned up too high? i've really cut back on feeding because i had to conquer (which i did) my cyano breakout.
could it be that there just isnt much funk in my tank?


Active Member
The only way I got anything decent from the oceanic skimmer was by doing the following..
get the lee's medium gravel vac tube and replace the stock tube with that one..(or if you wanted to be a rebel.. glue to gravel vac tube to the stock one for a really tall reaction chamber)
get a much better air pump... run two stock or stock replacement wooden airstones...
that's about all ya can do.. I was getting a much drier skimmate by doing the above versus just running it in its stock form.
Note: this will not fit in a biocube14 with the hood on.. it will fit in a biocube 29 though.


Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
The only way I got anything decent from the oceanic skimmer was by doing the following..
get the lee's medium gravel vac tube and replace the stock tube with that one..(or if you wanted to be a rebel.. glue to gravel vac tube to the stock one for a really tall reaction chamber)
get a much better air pump... run two stock or stock replacement wooden airstones...
that's about all ya can do.. I was getting a much drier skimmate by doing the above versus just running it in its stock form.
Note: this will not fit in a biocube14 with the hood on.. it will fit in a biocube 29 though.
Rotary any pics of what you did? I would be like to do this mod.??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Quandary
Rotary any pics of what you did? I would be like to do this mod.??
I sold it.. sorry no pics, but I'm definitely not the first or last to do this.. I'm sure you can search on some other forums or google.