New octo...


Active Member
I drilled holes in the back wall and installed a thick layer of very course/rough filter media, to sit on top of the false wall. I used zip-ties to hold the filter media in place. It's thick enough that when the lid is closed, all access into the filtration section is completely blocked off.
I then used a RotoZip and trimmed down the lip, around the tank, so that the lid sits completely flush with no gap, what-so-ever.



hey AW2 heres an interesting but really effective way of keeping your octo in your tank. get a little bit of astroturf and put it down in strips around the outside of the tank and around any holes. octo's hate the feel of it and when they touch it they'll just go right back in


Active Member
awesome octo aw2 i was going to make my 29 a bimac tank but now i have decided to get seahorses! :jumping: i think i will just have to get a nother tank lol


aw2 ........i see that you were speaking about the dwarf octo and how rare they are. i think i may have found some and actually those are fortunately the only ones that i can get to survive through this very warm i ordered a bali octo, a carribean and a couple dwarfs which were also from the caribbean at my work and the only ones that survived the cold were the dwarfs. the bali survived the ship but not the acclimation. i currently have had the dwarfs at work for approx 2 weeks and i cant get them to feed. take in consideration the lights are on for about 12 hours a day and they are each in a critter keeper with pvc and some rock work. i have offered frozen and live of about everything but when i go to work today i will modify some of their tank specs. possibly giving them some darknes and i will offer peppermint shrimp again and some hermits. but any advice would be greatly appreciated i'd hate to see these guys die especially you saying that they are hard to come across.. i going to try to get the scientific names on them so i can find out if they are for sure dwarfs...... do you know the scientific name for the dwarf by chance?


Active Member
I believe it is Octopus briareus. Very cool little octopus, but they hide 90% of the time.


yes they do hide a lot. today i put more rockwork into the critter keeper and put some hermit crabs and i will see if they go for it.


Active Member
Finally got some new shots of my guy. I went home for the holidays and my buddy James watched my fish, for me. He said the little guy was coming out alot more. I got home last night and he was hiding, but got these just a few minutes ago...
He's definately not O. Bimac, like I first thought. Now, I'm gonna have to figure out the species and see how big he's gonna get.



Active Member
yea anyways .
Nice octo AW2 . Whats he about the size of a 50 cent piece?
What kind of water perameters do you have it at? I'm really interested in keeping a bimac and any info would help.


Active Member
awsome pics. i wanted one but for now ive decided to wait.. but definately eventually will have one!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mitzel
yea anyways .
Nice octo AW2 . Whats he about the size of a 50 cent piece?
What kind of water perameters do you have it at? I'm really interested in keeping a bimac and any info would help.
He's probably the size of a golf ball...maybe 4" - 5" from arm tip to arm tip.
They're VERY intolerant of nitrates or copper.
I keep my water as pristine as possible...ammonia, nitrate and nitrite are undetectable. Temp is around 70 degrees.
This guy isnt a Bimac, but since you're interested in keeping one (and I have before), they're a colder water octo...temp around 64 - 68 degrees. Keep it in that range and they'll live longer. Keep it at regular water temps, and it increases their metabolism, resulting in a shorter life span.


Active Member
thanks AW . Does the tank shape matter for these things? I was thinking of a taller tank in the 60-75 gallon range . There is a built in shelf next to the coat closet in our front room and I was thinking of making a built in tank there . Hopefully to hold the octo. What would you recomend for filtration? sump/fuge skimmer our house stays about 66 in the winter and this tank would be on the northern side of the house about 20 feet from the cooler in the summer. do you thin I would need a chiller?


Active Member
Tank shape doesnt matter, but once fully grown, they'll need something in the 55gal. range, by themselves.
Unless you want to do extremely frequent water changes (I change mine 2 - 3 times a week), then you need a skimmer.
For a Bimac, I'd definately recommend a chiller.


Mitzel i definatly have to come over when you get it(i know its not for a while but figure id make reservations early) Also i think the shark craze is going to end from this and next year... an octopus craze. I personally would love to have a cuttle fish tank but cant afford it right now.