New Orleans Saints America's Team


Active Member
as a die hard minnesota fan, im so glad they got rid of randy.
i agree with the fact that their o/c is gone also, and it shows on the field.
while we did lose our first 2 games, the vikes will eventually find their notch. dont forget, this is a team that always starts hot then chokes in the 2nd half. maybe this year its a flip.
being 0-2 doesnt bother me because the rest of our division sucks big time.
the pack is the only team that poses a threat, and they are 0-2 also.
lions suck and so do the bears, and they are only 1-1
not sweating.... yet
talk to me again in 4 weeks
we'll either be in it, or our season's over


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
as a die hard minnesota fan, im so glad they got rid of randy.
i agree with the fact that their o/c is gone also, and it shows on the field.
while we did lose our first 2 games, the vikes will eventually find their notch. dont forget, this is a team that always starts hot then chokes in the 2nd half. maybe this year its a flip.
being 0-2 doesnt bother me because the rest of our division sucks big time.
the pack is the only team that poses a threat, and they are 0-2 also.
lions suck and so do the bears, and they are only 1-1
not sweating.... yet
talk to me again in 4 weeks
we'll either be in it, or our season's over
I agree the division is weak...probably the waekest in football over the first two weeks. it is too early to tell...but that high octane offense of a year ago has only scored one touchdown in each of the two games. This should be cause for concern.
If they lose to the Saints Tice could be gone. Right now it looks like 8-8 or possibly 7-9 could win that division...unless one of the teams catches fire.
I saw Tice at his press conference on DiretTV NFL Sunday Ticket Sunday night. I beleive he has lost touch with reality. He stated he is glad he had things to work on...he did not want to be bored.
WHile they may turn it around...they always managed to put points on the board over the last two years...even in most losses.
Tice will have to do one hell of a job to turn it around. I would not be surprised if they win on Sunday as a loss could sink the season for the Vikings..and bring back the Viqueens era. I recall that nickname back when they struggled. I beleive it was the local fans that coined the nickname.


Active Member
Given the projected path of Hurricane Rita..and the current strength the Houston Texans could be the next America's Team. I hope this hurricane hits a less populated area.

darth tang

Active Member can't replace Moss with Burleson and be better off. It defies football logic. Although a jerk, one could certainly make a case that he is the best or one of the best today. He already has made a big play in each of the first two games for Oakland. He is or can be a difference maker and dictates a certai deffensive scheme to an opponent.
The way I am looking at is statistics. Look at total points scored for Oakland last year. They are on par per game with this year. Moss really hasn't given them an advantage. If anything he has hampered them a bit as the try harder to get him the ball. Oakland has still started the season off without a win in their first two games. They don't appear to be more effective on offense with the addition of Moss.
Now look at the scoring of the Vikings last year without Moss in the game (when he was injured). It was on par with what they were scoring with Moss in the line up. The Vikings weren't hurt by his injury in the scoring department then. So why should his absense cause it now?
No, the reason the Vikings are faltering is the Offensive coordinator and his play calling. Tice took the headset from him late in the fourth quarter and the Vikings actually punched in a touchdown. This may mean something, it may not. But based off the statistical evidence the offensive coordinator is the reason. Tice was there last year and Moss wasn't for three games and they put up points.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
The way I am looking at is statistics. Look at total points scored for Oakland last year. They are on par per game with this year. Moss really hasn't given them an advantage. If anything he has hampered them a bit as the try harder to get him the ball. Oakland has still started the season off without a win in their first two games. They don't appear to be more effective on offense with the addition of Moss.
Now look at the scoring of the Vikings last year without Moss in the game (when he was injured). It was on par with what they were scoring with Moss in the line up. The Vikings weren't hurt by his injury in the scoring department then. So why should his absense cause it now?
No, the reason the Vikings are faltering is the Offensive coordinator and his play calling. Tice took the headset from him late in the fourth quarter and the Vikings actually punched in a touchdown. This may mean something, it may not. But based off the statistical evidence the offensive coordinator is the reason. Tice was there last year and Moss wasn't for three games and they put up points.
With the Oakland analysis you need to look at quality of opponennt in the first two games in order to determine if Moss has made a significant impact or not. Certianly one could argue Oakland played two of the better teams in the AFC in the first two weeks. KC looks much improved on defense which has been their weak spot over the past two years. I am not certain regarding the quality of the defenses with the three games he missed last year....injuries, etc, etc.
IMO...head coaches get too much credit when things go well and coordianators get too much blame when things go bad.
You can sometimes overcome an injury to a key player for a few games during a season. I do not follow the Vilkings but I do beleive you cannot replace a Randy Moss with a Nte Burleson and pretend you are better offensively.
The error here would be not going out and finding a high caliber productive receiver to replace Moss.
Burleson is no where near as talented as Moss. This makes the offense weaker not better IMO.
Too early to really tell if they will miss Moss or not...but one could certainly make this case through two weeks. many of the commentators and sports wrtiters have also made this point that Minnesota will miss Moss and are weaker without him.
Sorry, but just in general I don't buy into the coordinator theory . To me, it looks like a classic NFL meltdown when a head coach has done all he cand do with a franchise and the players that are his selection. it happens to the best of coaches..and certainly Tice would not be considered among the best.
We'll see what never know. :cheer:


Active Member
When cannot assume that since you racked up the average yards, etc that you did not miss the player. perhaps points would have been great along with yardage if the individual played. Same holds true for Oakland. The question is not are they generating the same amount of points...but would they have scored the same amount if Moss was not on the team.
I saw all of the first Oakland game and some of the second. There is no doubt in my mind that Moss made a difference in both.
I have only seen highlights of both Minnesota games. I do not beleive it is an offensive coordinators fault for funmbles, penalties, interceptions. That is an execution/concentration/discipline issue or lack thereof. Many contributors including, discipline, lack of concentration, unhappy players, bad apples, injuries, lack of hustle, poor preparation (all coaches responsible and players) and superior talent/team.
The only issue you good hang on a coordinator would be game plan, down and distance play calls, etc...but I would assume Tice would and should be involved in the formation of the offensive and defensive game plans during prep work. ,,so the game plan is and should be a Tice issue if inappropriate.
regarding execution..I can rememeber Coach Mckay of the then awful Tampa Bay Bucs...when asked what he thought about his team's execution he replied..."I'm in favor of it".
My prediciton is Tice will not see the end of the season as haed coach. I hope I am wrong for you Vikings fans. But it does not look good. They have a team they can beat this weekend.
matchups. offensive edge to saints over Minn. defense. Saints defense edge over Minn offense. ....sepcial teams even......intangibles Minnesota.
Looks like a close game (all edges close) ...provided Minnesota is not on the verge of meltdown. Looks like a 21-20 pick it. Stay away if you like to gamble on this one. Too many intangibles that are hard to quantify for both teams. The team that comes in emtionally prepared and ready to play will win.....neither can have a 'walkthrough" and still win...not talented enough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
do you still see your saints as "america's team"?
hope not. they suck more and more every week

They were given that tag not because they were a football powerhouse but becuase of the situation.
many players lost their homes and have been forced to vacate the practive faciltiy and relocate their families. They were in 4 separte training facilities (some high schhol) in about a 3-4 week period.
Their first home game was played in the opposing team stadium and they will travel for all but three games.
No NFL team is recent hostory has been dealt this hand.
last week, they had to leave a early due to Hurricane Rita which meant they had 2 less days to practice/prepare given the Monday night game and the evacuation from San Antonio.
I'll stick by this has nothing to do with wins and losses but all to do about destruction, loss of an entire city, and the nfl really dealing them a crap hand.
I look for them to bounce back this Sunday as they will play in San Antonio where they have moved the facilites . This will be the first of three 'true" home games. that will not invlolve travel. Even the ga,es played in baton Rouge will involve extensive road travel.
I'm not concerned...unless they lose the next two. They obviously have lost the focus/cocentration they had in week one due to the incredible situation of relocation, distraction, personal loss of homes, wn entrie city no longer, and lack of settling into a routine.
Some things rise above wins/losses.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
They got their emotional victory for the year, and they are going to lose their next 15 games. How does this make them "America's Team?"
2-2.......and comin on. THey crushed Buffalo...and the game was not as close as the score. Only four penalities for 21 yards and no TO's. They are a very good football team when they concentrate and elminate the mistakes...a hard team to beat when they bring their A game.
Let's see what the VIkings do. I am pulling for them against Atlanta but I doubt that team will win.
Great job San Antonio as that dome was LOUD and ROCKIN!!!!!!
It was great to hear in the background on the broadcast the best NFL PA announcer FIRST DOWN New Orleans native Jerry Romig at the Alamodome. Sure felt, looked and sounded like a game played in the Superdome.
Gotta love the NFL Sunday Ticket...


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
saints are still a terrible team. wouldnt want them to represent my country.
Good grief...Vick is on the bench and the Falcons are still kickin their butts I beleive you were right....the Vikings got their one emotional victory last week and will finish 1-15 in the weakest division in footabll. They are really AWFUL. Thank goodness a natural disaster has not hit the twin cities. I wouldn't want that outfit representing my country.

Watchin the Vikings makes me ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.


All nice tributes to the NO Saints, and no disrespect intended, but there is only ONE AMERICAS TEAM, and will be no other. The name wasn't given to the Dallas Cowboys out of Pitty.
I do like the "United Saints of America" though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nflnutswif
All nice tributes to the NO Saints, and no disrespect intended, but there is only ONE AMERICAS TEAM, and will be no other. The name wasn't given to the Dallas Cowboys out of Pitty.
I do like the "United Saints of America" though!
The saints have certanly been dealt a crappy hand by the NFL. The name is attributed to teams that America pulls for and/or has a large fan base. Certainly, Dallas had this years ago although I am not certain if that fan base is still as it used to be given the past several years of crappy teams.
It will die down now...and resurface should they have a good season and contend for the playoffs.
The players and head coach have already gone on record stating they want no pitty or favors from the nfl. In fact , their one request was ignored by the commissioner...proof that pitty is not there least from Tagliabue/nfl (spell).
I doubt this tag is based on pitty from the majority ...just folks wanting to see them do something that will be quite difficult. Amreica loves a good story and the underdog.
Achievement certainly can help with the teg 'America's Team"...but it is all about folks throughout the land pulling for one team.