Okay, it's been awhile since I've posted to the forum, so on my lunch break I took several photos of my new aquascape. Please ignore the filthy sandbed, I intend to clean it very shortly and would have waited, but no time like the present... and I'm sure you've all seen your share of dirty sand beds, especially when you have crushed coral like I do. The new items were picked up from a local fish store and hadn't even been marked for sale yet. The sales rep told me I could bleach the items to return them to a bone white state, but I actually thought the green color added texture depth to the items and simply soaked them in a start right mixture before adding them to the tank.
Though I wasn't able to catch her in any of my shots, my dottyback loves swimming through all the crevaces.
Though I wasn't able to catch her in any of my shots, my dottyback loves swimming through all the crevaces.