New pics of my 20 high



ugh : ( well Lancelot is no longer with us. She just died in the QT. I don't know what went wrong either. No skin irritations or bumps or discoloration, no fin issues. She was swimming around fine last night and ate well. then today, just lying on the sand bed and then swimming sparatically like she couldnt control up from down. then not being able to hang on to anything with her tail. Kinda bizarre. The other horse seems OK still, I am going to put an airstone in the side area of the tank where O2 levels may be too low, and where they like to sleep. Hopefully that will keep it more oxyginated for her.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexa11
ugh : ( well Lancelot is no longer with us. She just died in the QT. I don't know what went wrong either. No skin irritations or bumps or discoloration, no fin issues. She was swimming around fine last night and ate well. then today, just lying on the sand bed and then swimming sparatically like she couldnt control up from down. then not being able to hang on to anything with her tail. Kinda bizarre. The other horse seems OK still, I am going to put an airstone in the side area of the tank where O2 levels may be too low, and where they like to sleep. Hopefully that will keep it more oxyginated for her.

Sounds more parasite related... oh well you can always replace it. Don't get discouraged.
Do you know if those seahorses are tank raised or wild caught? Your tank looks pretty good btw and I'm still shocked at the well behaved maroon clown lol.


they are tank raised and eat frozen mysis and the pods in the tank. The maroon is not agressive at all, however he is a clown and wiggles and darts about. And he is a pig. Hense the feeding situation in the breeding net for the horses. This wiggling and darting clown may be stressful to the horse. There are lots of places for her to hide though where the clown doesn't go. I'll play it by ear. I think the 46 gal in future may become a seahorse/pipefish tank with softies and various plants. Perhaps a ric/yuma/paly/gorgonian tank! And i bet a sun coral would do well with the heavy feedings for the horses. Thanks rotary! I want to see pics of your new project!


I am about to meet my mum for lunch, and she is bringing up 7 nass snails for me : ) and I will bring her a couple of small frags. She has had 2 nass snails and one turbo in her 2.5 pico for a week now. I am thinking I'll give her xenia (and warn her to prune it), yellow polyps, radioactive dragon eyes, green star polyps, and some zoas with light bluish eyes.


its been a while, but I'm about to post a few new pictures! i hope everyone has been doing well! Everyone in the tank is doing well, and there are a few lbs more of lr in there (a bit cramped) there was an lfs going out of business so i got 32 lbs between 1 and 2 dollars a pound. Most of it is in the 5 gallon qt...not much space for anything else!
I also have gotten a friend hooked, and she was able to get everythign for her 20 long for half off or more at the store! lucky!


Active Member
Looks nice, lots of different colors, I like it a lot. What kind of lighting do you have? What is that green coral with the sexy shrimp in it?