New pics of my 20 high



thanks guys! I picked up an overflow as well for the new bowfront....for $5.00!!! : )


i know im sorry, the bowfront is in the boyfriend's basement....for the future reef room/jazz lounge
! i am still trying to convince him to let me set it up now, but secretly and I'm trying not to bug him, i want to come up with a way that makes him think HE came up with the idea to set it up lol! the only problem is he doesn't care about aquariums...
I'll try to remember to bring the camera over this week and take pictures of the empty (and awesome) future project!


Active Member
lol. how can he not care about fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone has to love fish tank. luckily my gf loves fish tank. she even wants me to set one up for her. its gonna be my 3g nano lol. but hey it will make her happy and thats what i want


I got stuff for my mum to set up a 2.5 gal pico! she got pink sand!! she has 1 turbo snail and 2 nass snails in there now and it has been about 2-3 weeks running. What type of heater do you use in a tank that small to regulate temp?


yeh it will flucutate in her room. The only heaters we found for a tank that size simply 'raise' the temp like 5 degrees...but with flucutating air tems and a light going on and off, the temp will fluctuate like 4 degrees over the course of a day! i don't know what to get for her.


yes, sorry, discussing a teeny heater for my mum's new pico. We are up north lol! temps flucutate; she turns her heat down in the day at her place when she goes to work, so the water temp changes.


It is unclear, on the phone she says its between 72 and like 76 each day. I dont know! but i do now she needs some sort of heater to stabalize the temp.


Active Member
I love ur tank so much. It looks really good. How are the seahorses doing with all the coral and what not? and how much flow do you have in there with it?


Thanks Rebel! I use a koralia 1. Horses have been great, up until TODAY : ( Lancelot has i think swim bladdar disease or issue. She was doing great yesterday, but today she can't seem to swim right at all, and I can't find anything I can do. There's no outward appearance of disease or injury. I have her in the breeding net with some chaeto. Zoot (the other horse) is doing well though. I've been feeding the horses in a breeding net so the clown doesn't steal all their food.