New pics of my 20 high



hmmm, i thought they were copopods, what else lives in the water like that en-masse? I've gotten pods in the mail that look like them before. Maybe they are a bigger type?


Active Member
alexa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess what i put pics up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just for you lol
well not only for you but everyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait for more pics of your


these were the new frags that I got locally. Im still waiting for some that were sent to open up, when those do, I'll take pics. Here are my tubs blues and bam bams, and a seahorse
woot i checked this thread like a minute ago and there were no pictures luckily i looked again, those frags look great, im jealous!!!


hmmm, this is annoying, i wonder why the picture layout went like that. Anyway, I have hooked my mother. I got her a 2.5 gallon pico setup and she will set it up tonight! I wish she had a camera so I could see. I told her it was her early birthday presant as well as next mothers days lol! Then I can give her frags.


lol I should get her to join the Boston Reefers club and go to frag swaps!


Active Member
I don't no diddly about seahorses, but I thought you couldn't keep them with coral
Tank looks beautiful by the way.


There is lots of different info on seahorses. Some say the flow in a reef tank can be too much for a seahorse. Others say they like high flow in the wild. Some say the lighting is too intense for a seahorse, but there are plenty of shaded areas for the horses to go. Anemones and corals with long and stinging arms are no good with seahorses because they could get stung. The main thing is food. the clownfish is an agressive eater, and there need to be enough pods for the horses to eat during the day. Most people don't mix horses in a reef tank. Check out third row down, second one over.


Active Member
wow alexa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice zoas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish my zoas will open
but everything else perfect!


wow your tank looks great! do you have a bubble coral? i thiught i saw one. you probualy know this but if you put a pretty good amount of flow on them they will grow big and fast! i have one in my tank it was abouth the size of 2 or 3 golf balls now it is the size of a soft ball!


Thanks guys!! and thanks for the bubble advice vjl12! I'll move it a bit if i can. I just got a 46 gallon bowfront, used! I got live sand, the pine black stand, and a 196 watt coralife pc, and a penguin filter. It's a shame...the whole back of the tank was covered in corraline, but i am not setting it up yet so it will all die off : ( I asked for suggestions in the reef section but noone really responded with very much....I'm thinking of getting an overflow with a sump. What do you guys think? softies and maybe some LPS should do ok with that light right? and what do you think about the sand bed--how deep should i go? Also, will the live sand (still wet) be ok in a bucket for a while?


Active Member
Grats on the new tank. It looks like youre sps are showing good polyp extension as well, thats a good sign. Just make sure their color keeps up, thatll be the decider if they start bleaching or not. If I were you I would let everything grow out now, seems like its fill with a lot of corals that are really nice.
BTW 196 watt corallife sounds a little bit low for a 46 gallon. Maybe softies/LPS at the top, zoos and shrooms in the mid/bottom range.