new pics of my baby Nala


Active Member
For those of you speaking about the growth rate and how soon he'll need to upgrade:
Banded Cats will put on length like crazy, during their first year. If given the proper habitat, feedings and good water conditions, it's not uncommon for them to grow to 16" (+/-) in their first year.



Don't worry you'll do just fine. shark keeping is not the imposibility that a lot of people want to make it out to be.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Yeah i agree with humu. AW2, you are waaaaaaaay to harsh! Stop being to much of a know it all.
sometimes he is mean sometimes he is very helpful. on the internet unfortunately you can't tell the tone of their voice. they can be nice, or angry. you never know unless it's a given.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Yeah i agree with humu. AW2, you are waaaaaaaay to harsh! Stop being to much of a know it all.
I wasnt being anywhere near "harsh". Thank you, to jr for pointing out the easy miscommunication of people, online. I was simply stating a fact, coming from someone who has raised Banded Cats from eggs to sexual maturity and to breeding stages.
Originally Posted by 5280_humu

For giving such a informative post, that included no helpful information what-so-ever...I'm curious as to know what your shark keeping background is?
Shark keeping is not impossible...but, it is difficult and most people dont have the means (tank, filtration, time, money) that it takes to succesfully keep a specimen...and, I'm not talking about weeks or months, as anyone can do that. I'm talking about years, which is the commitment you're undertaking when you start considering keeping sharks.
I'm not, by any means, saying oncebitten is not going to do this. From the sounds of things, he/she has a nice tank setup, for a juvenile Banded. But, as I said before...if the shark is given proper care, they'll have to upgrade in less than a year.


Active Member
forget the shark pictures! lets see more of that kitty!!! ***) haha....that shark looks amazing!!! and its pretty amazing that you were able to hatch the little guy on your own, congrats and keep us posted!!!


I had a shark just like that almost 14 years ago...and blew it. I put the poor thing in a 75
gallon tank as an egg and hatched him (I think there was even a trigger in it). I know, don't everyone stone me. I was a bit naive and to be fair, the internet consisted of about three sites - none of which were SW related (dissemination of info was very small).

Anywho, this great site is here so we can learn from each other's mistakes. AW2 simply stated some facts about the animal, in case some of you (and me) might want to learn something. You can't argue with his experience here. "Its science"...
Not that anyone is making a mistake here. She said she was going to upgrade at some point. Good lookin out, AW2 and Oncebitten.
PS - does anyone know what "good lookin out" means? :notsure: Everyone says it now...


Active Member
"good looking out" --the dissemination of information so both parties remain happy
(I got your back bro) same stuff


CARTMAN i did have a little trouble getting her to eat but there was a few people who helped me throu the first week, you know who you are. i fed throu a dropper, then moved to a feeding stick. she is gobbling down squid and shrimp in her vitimans. now to set the record i am a female. this is my second time raising a bamboo, my first had to be put to sleep due to a tumer in her brain, she was 1 year at the time and she was at 14 inches. i am working hard to keep her healthy, i spend at least 40 hours a week working on the tank,like i had said this is like my second child, being a single mom, my other time is also holding down the fort and working full time. this shark will be getting a bigger home im already planning a move to a bacement floor in june to support the bigger tank, i am close to buying the tank, as one thing at a time. sharks can be done. they just need alot of care and close supervision. i am constantly learning new things. one thing i have come across is that right now she wont take clams, turns her nose up and swims away. so i rapped it in a small piece of shrimp and then she took it, but she spit the clam out and ate the shrimp. so this is the learning i need to see if this is a phase they go throu at this age or will she always not eat clams. thank you to the ones that are concerend. she really is in good hands.


brine soaked in vitimans, with i know is not really that healthy but i had to get her to atleast start eating something, after the second feeding she was taking very small pieces of shrimp and then squid. i alternate the feeding one bite squid one bite shrimp till full. and let me tell you she gets a full belly, she looks very good right now no red areas. eye shine great and breathing rates right on. i am right now trying to learn how to get weights on her more learning everyday, and my daughter she is to cute she had asked me why cant you take her out and put her on a scale. she has all her classmates wanting to come over and see moms tank.


EDIT: AW2 My point is that we all have opinions . Try lettin other give theres before you Tell us we're all wrong. You've made your point about tank size many times. Let others give their advice too.
As far as MY experiance goes. If you spent half as much time reading as you do Looking for an excuse to talk. you would know who I am and my experiance . You would also know I have backed you up a few times. But Your sales man attitude gets old. LEt other have their opinions.


ok boys, just sit back and crack some beers, and enjoy the tanks we all created. as to thats what ive been doing for the past hour. as you all can tell by some of my spelling.


Active Member
now thats the best advice ive heard on here in awhile! :hilarious
JR,,thats not for you! Drinking is bad! You should never drink when your underage! stick to the milk and cookies!
sorry i had to say it!


thank you this is what we all need a few beers to relax us. michael thank you for recomending the company i will go with, for my new tank with shipping it would cost 855.00 but i am willing to drive the 3 hours to white plains ny to pick it up for only 100.00 for the shipping. total cost for my tank 550.00. so thank you again for comming throu yet again. im an not being mean but this is the help im talking about not about hearing our tanks are to small. you came throu and helped me find a dealer that works with me and not tell me you cant do this or youll have a hard time. all the fish we own are in tanks to small. they live in oceans and we will never duplacate this but we all have good intensions in keeping are pets alive and well.


You are very welcome . I'm glade to see that nala is doing good. Keep us informed as to how your new tank is working.
Crack open a few for me .


your welcome, i will do that. and new photos will come next week. she is one month now and is at 7 inches long with a fat belly. i am going to try the clams again in a few days and hopefully she will eventully eat them.