New Pics Of My Tank


Originally Posted by patandlace
Awesome tank. Looks great. What size is it?
Thanks... Its a 90 gallon tank.


Very nice indeed...just wish you had a bigger tank for those tangs - and angel for that matter. Believe me when I say they will outgrow that 90 FAST. Especially if fed properly... (I'd argue that they should never be in a tank that small to begin with, but I know tons of people do it)

Another suggestion/comment...please don't leave the heater IN the tank. The last thing you want is stray voltage leaking into your system. If you don't have a sump, at least get a grounding probe.
Tangs and stray voltage don't mix well!
And I don't mean to sound critical, just wanted to give you my honest opinion. Other than those 2 things, I do LOVE the rockwork/corals! Good job.


Originally Posted by S_Holman33
just wish you had a bigger tank for those tangs - and angel for that matter. Believe me when I say they will outgrow that 90 FAST. Especially if fed properly... (I'd argue that they should never be in a tank that small to begin with, but I know tons of people do it ob.
Yeah us 4 foot tank owners know the rules about tangs and angelfish, this may be a shock, but we dont really enjoy being reminded 24/7 that the fish shouldnt be in there.


Originally Posted by AAnthony
Yeah us 4 foot tank owners know the rules about tangs and angelfish, this may be a shock, but we dont really enjoy being reminded 24/7 that the fish shouldnt be in there.
Then why do you still do it?? Why do you know that the fish is too big for your tank and still put it in there? I don't get it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by S_Holman33
Then why do you still do it?? Why do you know that the fish is too big for your tank and still put it in there? I don't get it.
thats great, tell why you mad..... really is true though. there are some boarder line exceptions but many do cross that line...
and honestly he did set him self up for that, but im still wondering how old is the tank. it says my new tank, and it looks pritty established. no?


Originally Posted by angelspot
nice tank. what kind of angel is that? is it reef safe? How many fish do you have?
It is a French Angel... And NO it is NOT reef safe, Im going to have to get rid of it.


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
thats great, tell why you mad..... really is true though. there are some boarder line exceptions but many do cross that line...
and honestly he did set him self up for that, but im still wondering how old is the tank. it says my new tank, and it looks pritty established. no?

The set up is about 6 months old... new pics of my tank, not my new tank.


Originally Posted by S_Holman33
Then why do you still do it?? Why do you know that the fish is too big for your tank and still put it in there? I don't get it.

I've seen blue tangs in 24 gallon pods. Because they start VERY SMALL. There is nothing wrong with moving the fish to a bigger tank once they outgrow it as long as you're willing to put in the work to get them back out.
Undue stress on the fish, blah blah.. yah.. we all understand that so save it. It's the risk that people are willing to take.
The tank is amazing, and that angel will eat everything in it, good luck catching him. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by sfoister
I've seen blue tangs in 24 gallon pods. Because they start VERY SMALL. There is nothing wrong with moving the fish to a bigger tank once they outgrow it as long as you're willing to put in the work to get them back out ...
I don't think a lot of people would agree with that statement.
Tangs and other grazers need large amounts of live rock. While a fish may look ok in a small tank, it still needs more room to swim than a small tank can provide. I have posted repeatedly that my tiny Purple Tang I purchased immediately began swimming the length of my 210 gallon tank. He's now in my 180, and still swims everywhere.
Tangs are active swimmers. They need room, no matter what size.