Thank you all for the kind words!
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II love that pink coco worm (I think that's what it is).
I'm debating trying another blue linckia..I dripped my last one for 4 1/2 hours but it still died within a month.
Yes that's a coco worm...I figured out that keeping peppermint shrimp in the tank was irritating him{he use to drop his crown when I kept them} no more pepp's for me. Sometimes no matter how carefully you drip a linckia, handle him properly etc. ..the damage is already done to them because the LFS did'nt do the same..or somewhere along the line he was'nt dripped in. The damage shows up later after you get them. I have had this one a few months, I bought him from a local breaking down his tank.{that's another good option Alyssia} that way I knew he had him for awhile, and the only acclimation I had to worry about was my own.
Some things that I do with this tank that may be part of it's success: as the tank gets water changes, and a small amount of sand is removed each time, I periodically add back more fresh live sand from the Keys several times a year. I also add several bottles of copepods to the refugium and DT a few times each year. 15-20 gal WC's every week. Bulbs are replaced when due, tank is dosed Alk and Ca daily and MG every three days. Flow is controlled in all directions by 2 on the return, and one on the closed loop. Recently a modded maxi-jet 900 has been added to boost the flow while the halides are on...this goes off at night and the tank is a bit calmer. I felt it needed a bit more, as some of the colonies are getting bigger. There is a Blueline 1200 pump on the return, and a Blueline 850 on a closed loop. Refugium returns to the tank by gravity. Rocks get blasted by a turkey baster to get detritus and food in suspension for removal by the skimmer. The addition of a Euro Reef CS5-2 skimmer has made a world of improvement to this tank.