Originally Posted by
Guns just don't go off and shoot people. And you think seatbelts have saved countless lives, I imagine guns have saved many more. While guns can take lives, the average american who actually will listen to the gun laws is not the person who is going to walk into a bank and rob it.
You may have grown up in a house with guns, but you even said you sat there sared and dreamed about shooting them. If you'd have been taught to shoot them and respect them and the damage they can do maybe it would be another story. Comparing your daughter picking her nose has absolutely nothing to do with gun safety. Does she run around the house with a Butchers kinfe? I doubt she does. Do you keep the knifes locked up and hidden? I doubt you do. I'm sure she understands that a knife will hurt her and I imagine with a little talk about guns (you may already have) she would understand the same about guns.
Also, If you think my first post was rude, apparently you haven't read a good portion of my posts. I don't mean to be rude in them, but I tend to strongly disagree with some of the posts. i wasn't attacking you personally for your comment and calling you uneducated. i was saying that about those types of comments. Oh, and your comment about not shooting you for your post goes to show just want you think about people who care about our gun rights and realize how to use/treat them properly. Guns don't kill people, idiots who don't understand/respect guns or peoples lives kill people. I just get upset by the people who, because they don't understand something or the need for something don't see why it should be allowed or why it's a big deal. It reminds me of those wack job parents that disagree with some of the book (classics) that children are allowed to and encouraged to read in school. Just because you don't like it or don't think it would be good for your child doesn't mean it goes the same for everyone else.
I just asked a question...
I was taught to shoot them, and still do. I was just never ever given the opportunity to combine bullets + gun without supervision as a CHILD. Today my gun is in it's case, with a slide lock, on the top shelf, in my closet. the bullets are on the top shelf in my laundry room. Best the two not mix...
C/C guns have saved more lives than seatbelts??? HUH??...I didn't say it..you did. And I'm uneducated?
Yes we do keep knives higher up than kids can get to them, most parenting magazines recommend that. And yes she has gotten a hold of a knife here and there...we're not perfect I guess. I really think it is a pretty good idea to keep them out of reach. Poisons too! Perhaps I'm too careful, but the alternative of the emergency room is a greater evil.
My analogy about my daughter not listening and not always doing what she was told goes to how kids don't always listen to their parents... Really has nothing directly to do with gun safety. Indirectly maybe? Your kids are/will probably be perfect, but for the rest of us...we must be careful. I hope I don't see them on the news someday.
But then again this whole conversation started with a simple question and it turned into a "your trying to take the gun out of my cold dead hands"... Whis is simply not the caser at all....
I just asked why feel the need...