new pistol



Exactly. The only time I carry off-duty is if I have my kids with me and I have to venture into the city or the unknown.


Originally Posted by UKCATS
I've never heard of seat belts going off and harming innocent people... Also, seatbelts have saved countless lives throughout this country and are, to my knowledge, never used for violent purposes. BANK HELD UP BY A MAN USING A SEATBELT, NEWS AT 11...this is really a bad analogy for you to use. Perhaps you should have used airbags instead?
Guns just don't go off and shoot people. And you think seatbelts have saved countless lives, I imagine guns have saved many more. While guns can take lives, the average american who actually will listen to the gun laws is not the person who is going to walk into a bank and rob it.
You may have grown up in a house with guns, but you even said you sat there sared and dreamed about shooting them. If you'd have been taught to shoot them and respect them and the damage they can do maybe it would be another story. Comparing your daughter picking her nose has absolutely nothing to do with gun safety. Does she run around the house with a Butchers kinfe? I doubt she does. Do you keep the knifes locked up and hidden? I doubt you do. I'm sure she understands that a knife will hurt her and I imagine with a little talk about guns (you may already have) she would understand the same about guns.
Also, If you think my first post was rude, apparently you haven't read a good portion of my posts. I don't mean to be rude in them, but I tend to strongly disagree with some of the posts. i wasn't attacking you personally for your comment and calling you uneducated. i was saying that about those types of comments. Oh, and your comment about not shooting you for your post goes to show just want you think about people who care about our gun rights and realize how to use/treat them properly. Guns don't kill people, idiots who don't understand/respect guns or peoples lives kill people. I just get upset by the people who, because they don't understand something or the need for something don't see why it should be allowed or why it's a big deal. It reminds me of those wack job parents that disagree with some of the book (classics) that children are allowed to and encouraged to read in school. Just because you don't like it or don't think it would be good for your child doesn't mean it goes the same for everyone else.


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
I agree . I almost never carry when I am not at work . Once you have to carry a fire arm for a job it looses its Special feeling to carry it around. Besides after you wear a gun on your hip for 12 hours the last thing you want to do is wear it another 4-5 hours when your off duty
I can sort of understand this. I know that CC is not for everyone and I do not carry unless I'm in a bad area or traveling. But I'm not sure what you mean by "it's special feeling". I've never carried a weapon because it made me feel special. I've carried to Hunt, I've carried to go to the range, I've even carried for protection (in a bad area or traveling as stated before). But never because it made me feel good. Now if you mean you don't because you've carried it all day and would like a break, then that I can understand. To each his own. But if I'm going into a bad area, I'm going to take it wether statistics say I'm going to need it or not. Especially If I have a loved one with me.


Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Guns just don't go off and shoot people. And you think seatbelts have saved countless lives, I imagine guns have saved many more. While guns can take lives, the average american who actually will listen to the gun laws is not the person who is going to walk into a bank and rob it.
You may have grown up in a house with guns, but you even said you sat there sared and dreamed about shooting them. If you'd have been taught to shoot them and respect them and the damage they can do maybe it would be another story. Comparing your daughter picking her nose has absolutely nothing to do with gun safety. Does she run around the house with a Butchers kinfe? I doubt she does. Do you keep the knifes locked up and hidden? I doubt you do. I'm sure she understands that a knife will hurt her and I imagine with a little talk about guns (you may already have) she would understand the same about guns.
Also, If you think my first post was rude, apparently you haven't read a good portion of my posts. I don't mean to be rude in them, but I tend to strongly disagree with some of the posts. i wasn't attacking you personally for your comment and calling you uneducated. i was saying that about those types of comments. Oh, and your comment about not shooting you for your post goes to show just want you think about people who care about our gun rights and realize how to use/treat them properly. Guns don't kill people, idiots who don't understand/respect guns or peoples lives kill people. I just get upset by the people who, because they don't understand something or the need for something don't see why it should be allowed or why it's a big deal. It reminds me of those wack job parents that disagree with some of the book (classics) that children are allowed to and encouraged to read in school. Just because you don't like it or don't think it would be good for your child doesn't mean it goes the same for everyone else.
I just asked a question...
I was taught to shoot them, and still do. I was just never ever given the opportunity to combine bullets + gun without supervision as a CHILD. Today my gun is in it's case, with a slide lock, on the top shelf, in my closet. the bullets are on the top shelf in my laundry room. Best the two not mix...
C/C guns have saved more lives than seatbelts??? HUH??...I didn't say did. And I'm uneducated?
Yes we do keep knives higher up than kids can get to them, most parenting magazines recommend that. And yes she has gotten a hold of a knife here and there...we're not perfect I guess. I really think it is a pretty good idea to keep them out of reach. Poisons too! Perhaps I'm too careful, but the alternative of the emergency room is a greater evil.
My analogy about my daughter not listening and not always doing what she was told goes to how kids don't always listen to their parents... Really has nothing directly to do with gun safety. Indirectly maybe? Your kids are/will probably be perfect, but for the rest of us...we must be careful. I hope I don't see them on the news someday.
But then again this whole conversation started with a simple question and it turned into a "your trying to take the gun out of my cold dead hands"... Whis is simply not the caser at all....
I just asked why feel the need...


Originally Posted by UKCATS
C/C guns have saved more lives than seatbelts??? HUH??...I didn't say did. And I'm uneducated?
I never said CC guns save more lives than seatbelts, I said guns (in general). Learn to read.


Originally Posted by UKCATS
But then again this whole conversation started with a simple question and it turned into a "your trying to take the gun out of my cold dead hands"... Whis is simply not the caser at all....
I just asked why feel the need...
I didn't mean to make it seem like "your trying to take the gun out of my cold dead hands" but If you read you orginal post it makes it seem almost like since you don't understand the need for it then peopple shouldn't have that right. At least that's the way it came off to me. If that's not they way you think then I appologize. I guess I'm just used to a lot of people thinking just because they don't understand something that there is no need for it.


Originally Posted by AGENT-X
I didn't mean to make it seem like "your trying to take the gun out of my cold dead hands" but If you read you orginal post it makes it seem almost like since you don't understand the need for it then peopple shouldn't have that right. At least that's the way it came off to me. If that's not they way you think then I appologize. I guess I'm just used to a lot of people thinking just because they don't understand something that there is no need for it.
Accepted..thank you.
My only point was this... I, personnally have never had the need to defend myself with a firearm and, at least I hope, most other people are like me. Therefore I was wondering why so many people keep loaded guns in the house and get C/C licenses? I know of a few. To logical about the situation, If most people are like me and have never needed this type of protection then why take the additional risk and have a loaded weapon on themselves or in their home? Aside from law enforcement, persons in dangerous occupations, etc etc etc...
Certainly they have the right to do so and I will also admit that the vast majority of people who have such permits are not threats to themselves or others. But there is always that one percent that could perhaps have a bad day/hour/minute/split second and ruin it for the other 99%. That one percent always makes the news... and I really don't want to be around them when that happens, unless I'm packin' heat! JK!!!
Nice conversation thank you!


Originally Posted by AGENT-X
I never said CC guns save more lives than seatbelts, I said guns (in general). Learn to read.
And you think seatbelts have saved countless lives, I imagine guns have saved many more.
Be nice....
I would challenge that guns, IN GENERAL or otherwise, have not saved more lives in this country that seatbelts... Unless your going to tie in wars and such, if thats the case you may have a point. But we were never refering to wars, we were speaking of C/C specifically because that was my original QUESTION. And if thats the case my inference that C/C guns was what you were refering to in your quote would have been accurate. I can read just fine...
Thank you.


I've carried concealed for about 18yrs and as I currently see it - always will. I had an experience many yrs ago in which it may have saved my life - certainly from a good beating at the least. This one experience has convinced me to carry at least for the foreseeable future though I do have to admit it's a PITA at times.
IMO there is certainly some truth in the line "better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it". I consider it an insurance policy of sorts; something I wish to never use but good to know it's there - just in case.


Active Member
Lets see, in my house there's a loaded 9mm, a loaded 22-250, a loaded 30-30, and there may even be a few rounds in a couple shotguns. Oh, don't forget the 22 LR. I have an 11 Y.O. son. He's goat a little 22/410 combo gun. One of those lil jobs that swap the barrels on. He got it for his 8th birthday. Pretty good shot with it too. He's been hunting with me from time to time since he was 6 I think. He's bagged a few squirrels(no where near the monster that marka1620 did
),and even a little basket 6 with my 22-250. Proud of that guy.
He's not into it too much, but likes it OK. He never touches a gun unless I put it in his hands. I've walked out of the camper before and left him standing there because I forgot to hand it to him. You see, he has a deep RESPECT for a gun and what it does, kill. I have never beaten around the bush with him about that. Always quite frank. Son, guns are for KILLING! He's taken life himself, so he KNOWS what that means. Anyone who has not taken lives and taken the time to give the animal some respect to pass, as well as respect for doing so, does not understand this. A child who stares at a cabinet and dreams of shooting a gun has not been properly taught about them. PERIOD! My buddies son is a perfect example of this. He is 1 year younger than my son. He has been around hunting as much if not even more than my son. My buddie is an idiot! Well to some degree anyways. He tells his son things like, it's for shooting little birdies(Dove Hunting). and Daddy gets bid dear with that. His son doesn't have a grasp on it all because of his parenting. The boy even got a 12 gauge one time from upstairs brought it down and said, my daddy gave me this gun.
I've seen my son tell him pretty frankly "Don't touch it!" If my son where kept from the guns, it might be a different thing. Especially if he were locked out from them, but could see 'em. But he's not. They are not in plain view, nor are all of them locked away. After all how can I unlock the damn cabinet load the magazine, then the gun when someones breaking in trying to ---- my wife than kill my son and all. Good neighborhood, bad neighborhood it don't matter. With kids, it's a matter of what you put into them. I hear, It's just the age also, along with kids just do that stuff. Most of the time these are given as if it's the final answer, good enough. Not for me it ain't. You can hide all your stuff from them, tell 'em don't touch, they only want it more. That's not their fault, so who's is it?
On the CC. I don't carry concealed. I do from time to time carry in my vehicle, loaded, right near by. It's all i need to feel secure enough. The threat of a concealed carry is what saves lives. The reason being is that criminals don't know who's packing and who's not. There's no way to know how many lives have been saved because of this. But I suspect quite a few more than those that oppose believe. Not just life, but property. You never know when the guy standing next to you in the grocery store is packing and saves your life. This is a sure fire way to convert a gun hater to a packer....

A gun doesnt just go off and kill someone. Someone has to miss handle it in order to do so. Or intend for it to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Thats just another great reason to live in colorado .
We did win some ground where AR15 ownership is concerned. California's insane gun laws backed them into a corner because ARs were listed by make and model number. Lowers that are not manufactured by Colt or Bushmaster (and a select few others) and listed by specific model numbers in other cases makes them 100% legal to own in Ca.
So, while you may not own a Colt AR15, you may own a Rock River Arms LAR15 as long as it meets Ca guidelines concerning assault weapons. (yes, Ca still has an AW ban) Since the receiver is not listed by specific make and model as being illegal to posess in Ca it is referred to as an "offlist lower"

Gun laws on top of gun laws does not help at all. Get rid of criminals, not the guns.


Gun laws on top of gun laws does not help at all. Get rid of criminals, not the guns.
Socal57che-- Smarter words have never been said, thank you.


Originally Posted by socal57che
We did win some ground where AR15 ownership is concerned. California's insane gun laws backed them into a corner because ARs were listed by make and model number. Lowers that are not manufactured by Colt or Bushmaster (and a select few others) and listed by specific model numbers in other cases makes them 100% legal to own in Ca.
So, while you may not own a Colt AR15, you may own a Rock River Arms LAR15 as long as it meets Ca guidelines concerning assault weapons. (yes, Ca still has an AW ban) Since the receiver is not listed by specific make and model as being illegal to posess in Ca it is referred to as an "offlist lower"

Gun laws on top of gun laws does not help at all. Get rid of criminals, not the guns.
Yeah, but you still can't have the cool 30 round mags like we can here in TX
Just kidding. I just learned about cali banning certain makers the other day. I just picked up a RRA rifle a few weeks ago. So far I love it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Yeah, but you still can't have the cool 30 round mags like we can here in TX
Just kidding. I just learned about cali banning certain makers the other day. I just picked up a RRA rifle a few weeks ago. So far I love it.
The assault weapons ban is like saying not allowing custom rims and loud exhaust systems on cars will end speeding.
I can't believe I am going to say this but Cal's handgun deal seems reasonable to me. Those 100 buck guns are dangerous. I don't think its too much to ask that a gun doesn't fire if its dropped.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Neither my RRA AR15 or Springfield XD 9mm are legal in Cali and neither will fire if droped.
Rock River is one of the tricky ones. My RRA LAR-15 was perfectly legal. RRA is broken down by model name.
If you own the weapon prior to moving to Ca you may bring it with you as long as it does not break any other laws such as the AW ban. I was able to bring my Colt Double Eagle .45, but my Walther P-22 rimfire was considered an assault weapon due to it's assembly design. (it has a nut on the end of the barrel to secure it to the frame and threaded barrels get it on the AW list poste haste)