New reef safe King Angel



Originally posted by golfish
I'm about oldest will be 21 in Nov, she's one sarcastic remark away from learning how far you can go in this world without an education..At least we're smart enough to keep the new car we bought her in our names

Like you've never been there. You old timers always seem to forget.


Active Member

Originally posted by fishtanker
Like you've never been there. You old timers always seem to forget.

Big difference from when I grew up.. I had to pay for my car and college was something I had to do on my own. I was a Teamster by the time I was 18 and made enough money to support a family...We paid for 12 years of private school plus college, plus a brand new car as long as she stayed and graduated school....took 6 months to drop out of college and she still thinks she should have the car

Looks like I don't have to put any drive to work miles on my new Titan:happy:
BTW, I don't make the good money as a teamster any more. I put my wife through college, Now she's an ER nurse making 5x what I make...


Active Member
put my wife through college, Now she's an ER nurse making 5x what I make...
My wife is almost done with college, she will be a RN here soon
my oldest will be 21

My oldest is 14 :eek:... she is going to make an old man out of me.


Active Member

Originally posted by calvindo
BLAH BLAH BLAH... his money, his tank. he can do whatever he wants. besides.... with a tank looking like that... jarman knows what he's doing.
Jamnan, ya got a nice fish there. i'm sure he'll be fine.




Originally posted by Fishman830
awesome awesome tank! it's great, the fish is great i'd like to get some specs on your system lighting etc.
lionfish i don't think you should be saying anything other than,"Nice tank!"

2- 250w 10000k Ushio Halides
4- 65w Actinic Blue PC's
10w of moon lights
Thank all of you for the nice compliments.:)


My oldest is 14 ... she is going to make an old man out of me.
boys will be boys......
i just want to get this straight, not all of the kids on this boad pay for their tank, lion for instance..........but alot of them do, i knwow hat its like to work and pay, i ahve 2 jobs at the age 14, but the kids that use daddy's money and say the tank is theirs, makes me made.


Active Member

Originally posted by ReefNut
My wife is almost done with college, she will be a RN here soon
My oldest is 14 :eek:... she is going to make an old man out of me.

Best thing we ever did. She's been an RN for 10 years and still going to school..The goal now is to be a Nurse Practitioner (sp?) I aslo have a 5 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I'll be retired in the next 5-10 years, then its coaching softball, getting my son on the PGA tour and fishing...

Congratulations, to you and your wife. My wife really loves her job. I'm sure your will too.



Originally posted by NM reef thats like the pot callin' the kettle black!What fish are you currently considering?
1- Yellow tang (3'')
1- Red voltain (3'')
1- Panther Grouper (3'')
1- zebra eel (1')
1- niger trigger (3-4'')
...sorry...a bit of a inside joke there Jamnman.
Beautiful fish...they can get rather large but sounds like you are aware of that. No problems with any corals? I'd maybe consider one if I had like a 220 that I could maintain as a fish of luck with it and try to get a close-up if ya can.

Tried to get a decent close-up for you.
He hasn't touched a thing yet.
The friend that sold him to me said of the three years he had him in his 75 he only saw him nip at a clam once but it didn't hurt the clam.


Active Member
My dad buys the fish i have to but everything else. It over.... Nice tank but I THINK the angle is too big for the tank.( nodiced i said I THINK)


lionfish12 in your picture is that a copperband and a yellow tang if yes they dont fight because i had a copper band my yellow never stop bothering him intel he was dead.


Active Member
Thanks Golfish, the credit is all hers... all I did was put up the cash.
Retirement... I can't wait :D.
Jamnman, that's a nice angle. Hope he does well for you and your system.


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
Big difference from when I grew up.. I had to pay for my car and college was something I had to do on my own. I was a Teamster by the time I was 18 and made enough money to support a family...We paid for 12 years of private school plus college, plus a brand new car as long as she stayed and graduated school....took 6 months to drop out of college and she still thinks she should have the car

Looks like I don't have to put any drive to work miles on my new Titan:happy:
BTW, I don't make the good money as a teamster any more. I put my wife through college, Now she's an ER nurse making 5x what I make...

Yeah my parents don't buy me squat!! I started mowing 3 lawns a week in 3rd grade then by the time I got my real job a month into summer break I had 8 lawns a week goin but I stopped mowing lawns 2 weeks into school except for 2. But I enjoy paying for my own stuff because I really appreciate it. I saved my money from lawns and bought my own 16ft. carolina skiff with a brand new suzuki 30hp 4 stroke motor all with my own money and i'm proud of it.


would you please refrain from posting if the post is not pertinate. It is so annoying to read a thread and have you bust in with "where do you live", "do you go to that store", "my dad is getting me this and that and blah blah blah."
I feel that I need to follow you around on this board to make sure you are not giving horrible advice. Due to your annoying posts you have been able to rack up post numbers and I am afraid someone might actually take your advice. I just wish you would think before you post and stopping trying to impress with stories of your 125. A tank that is doomed to fail due to your lack of drive and determination to learn anything and everything about this hobby.
I am here to learn and share revelvant, useful information. You are making this very diffucult for myself and I am sure multiple others on this board. I have asked you very nicely. Hopefully you understand what I am saying and back off of posting every two minutes and ruining posts that are important to the individual who started them.



Originally posted by yas2903
lionfish12 in your picture is that a copperband and a yellow tang if yes they dont fight because i had a copper band my yellow never stop bothering him intel he was dead.

did you think lion could have a tank that good? knowing what he does?!? lol
And lion, your dad pays for your tank, then why do you say its "yours" and dont say "because i do all the work ansd take care of it" because you dont take care of your tank.
Jamn, sorry for lion hi-jacking this thread, that is truely a beautiful fish, and dont listen to lion, you know what your doing!