would you please refrain from posting if the post is not pertinate. It is so annoying to read a thread and have you bust in with "where do you live", "do you go to that store", "my dad is getting me this and that and blah blah blah."
I feel that I need to follow you around on this board to make sure you are not giving horrible advice. Due to your annoying posts you have been able to rack up post numbers and I am afraid someone might actually take your advice. I just wish you would think before you post and stopping trying to impress with stories of your 125. A tank that is doomed to fail due to your lack of drive and determination to learn anything and everything about this hobby.
I am here to learn and share revelvant, useful information. You are making this very diffucult for myself and I am sure multiple others on this board. I have asked you very nicely. Hopefully you understand what I am saying and back off of posting every two minutes and ruining posts that are important to the individual who started them.