WOW! This thread went a different route than I expected. I posted this as it pertains to the hobby, some of the "supposedly factual" statements that have been made on this board lately in quite a few threads and the coginitive dissonance some of us have been feeling. What are we saying here?
If I'm a responsible fisherperson, within the rules and regulations, in stocked lakes with tank raised minnows and only catch what I can eat, then that is OK even though they feel pain.
And if I'm a responsible sw aquarist I'll buy aquacultured/tank raised, giving them the best possible conditions so they will thrive (no pain) and as a bonus save the reefs.
Then, if my tank is full of aquacultured/tank raised fish, I can go fishing in it an still be a responsible fisherperson and aquarist.
The logic doesn't really work for me, but I'm the first to admit I fish and buy aquacultured, no dissonance problems until I started thinking maybe I was inflicting pain on the fish I was catching while doing everything I could learn to keep from inflicting pain on the fish in my tank. So I posted the article not as it pertains to curing human disease, or PETA's stance on anything, but as it pertains to this hobby. My point is this; everything we do, we try to seek balance within ourselves. If based on our own continuing experience/research we can not live comfortably within our own minds unless our sps is under mh lighting then that's what it takes for us. If based on our own continuing experience/research we can live comfortably within our own minds that sps can thrive under VHO then that is fine too. If just starting out and beginning the experience/research, then advise from all is fine. We all have to seek and find our own balance through experience/research. Which brings me to the part about this bb. This is a place that people come to do some of that research, it's a community of aquarist with varying opinions, experience levels and results.
Since the first "responsible" thread started I've noticed a change in the tone of some members of this board, and IMO it has not been for the better. Debates are wonderful things, but if I was a newcomer to this board/hobby lately, I would have been afraid to post a newbie question. We have even resorted to referring to other people's threads and singling them out. No one is entirely right and no one is entirely wrong, except in their own mind, which is where only they have to live.