new rose BTA


I just got this BTA tonight, and he has moved around a little, as I know is expected, but was wondering if this is normal, or something I should be concerned about...
Also, I have another really small anemone in the tank ( 24 gallon), one that is attached to a shell, I have no idea what type, but I was curious if it was a bad idea to have two in the same tank.


just after posting, i noticed it released some brown stringy substance, is it pooping? or possibly expelling menstrual fluid?


Active Member
Not an expert but have kept BTA before and yes, they will move around, at least untill they find a spot they like. Make sure you have sponge filter over all your powerhead intakes or you may find only part of your anemone sucked against the intake some morning and the rest turned into mush floating around the tank. Don't think sifferent anempne species will matter as long as they have plenty of room, good water quality and proper lighting.
And yes, pooping.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bn91280
just after posting, i noticed it released some brown stringy substance, is it pooping? or possibly expelling menstrual fluid?

Show me where the uterus is on the anemone please

Nice choice on the RBTA, they're very pretty. (is the "little" anemone you're talking about an aiptasia?)


IMO its just getting used to your tank. when anemones excrete waste out of their mouths, its usually due to stress. keep an eye on it and watch you water parameters. looks like itl make it.


lol, ok a guy at my LFS told me that anemones will expell thier menstrual fluid when they are really stressed, and possibly dying. Apparantly I shouldn't listen to him anymore...
Anyways, today the BTA is looking good, not all bubbled out, but, looking good. And here is a picture of the other anemone, I have no clue what it is, have looked and haven't seen anything like it, so any help is appreciated...


also, 1journeyman, or anyone else who cares to help, what should I do about the two anemones, should i pull the small one, or is there something I should watch for?


Active Member
IMO take one out. I would wait a few weeks in order to lessen the stress of another move, but then either give one away or place one in another tank. I just don't suggest doing it right away because if the anemone's are already stressed they may not survive another transport.
Wait three weeks or so then take one out...


Anybody else? can anyone tell me what type of anemone the small one is? I have read that some are bad for your tank, just hoping this isn't one of them


Active Member
looks like one of those tiny ornamental anemones like the ones that are carried on some hermit shells or decorator crabs. they arent aiptasia.. and shouldnt be harmful, they stay relatively small.


Active Member
yeah, Doesn't look like your typical pest. Kinda cute. Do you have another tank to put him in? Would be kinda neat if a hermit were to move into that shell ;)


Originally Posted by Shrimpi
looks like one of those tiny ornamental anemones like the ones that are carried on some hermit shells or decorator crabs. they arent aiptasia.. and shouldnt be harmful, they stay relatively small.
i agree


Well, for now I only have the one tank ( have only had it for about a month actually. Eventualy I plan on getting another, but for the time being I guess he can stay where he is, as long as nothing bad happens


if hwes a bad egg youll know if you start to see alot more smaller ones around then you know its time to get them out as that would be a sign of a prolific type of anemone


Active Member
Originally Posted by bn91280
lol, ok a guy at my LFS told me that anemones will expell thier menstrual fluid when they are really stressed, and possibly dying. Apparantly I shouldn't listen to him anymore...
Anyways, today the BTA is looking good, not all bubbled out, but, looking good. And here is a picture of the other anemone, I have no clue what it is, have looked and haven't seen anything like it, so any help is appreciated...
same type that is found on anemone carrying hermit crabs i think. it looks like the two i had on my hermit crab. i had them for like almost a year after the crab died too, not sure where they are now. not sure what species, but they are harmless.