New Seahorse


Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics of the current system. No new pics of the little girl herself, gotta go get new batteries first. But, as for the coral frags...
Here's the Colt frag. I swear it's already grown another branch since I bought it.

My xenia is still on a MagnaRox frag station - I haven't decided where to put it as a final destination.

Here's the older green and red zoa frag (still doing fine, new growth even) and that single mushroom that was acting up when I first bought it. Seems to be fine now:

The new green zoas:

The final resting place for the orange frilly sponge:

The single green Florida ricordea is pretty high up in the tank:

And, finally, a full tank shot as of tonight:

You can see in the full shot I changed some things around. I added a blue background instead of the pinkish-blue I had from before - I can swap them out easily if I get bored. I've also added the protein skimmer (far right side of the picture) and a computer fan blowing over the top of the tank. You can't see it from the pic, but there's also a fitted screen with doubled up pond netting over the top of the tank, in preparation for future jump-happy diamond gobies or firefish. Also for this pic, I moved the MagnaRox shelf to the back of the tank under the filter seems to blend in better here.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. The base of the sponge was attached to a small rock, so I just super-glued the rock to the larger piece. Got lucky, I guess.
Wow. SOMEthing must have pi$$ed the Colt coral off when I took that last pic. He looks ugly there! Also, now that I see it, I think I should re-route that Koralia cord so it's tucked into the corner of the tank and snake it up behind the skimmer. Funny how you notice things like this in pictures, but don't really see them in real life.