Well ok now I'm see that my english is bad.
1-. The acrylic is only like a window to see the shark
2-. psusocr1:
this setup with fish is going to cost you well over $10,000 u.s dollars and thats a very low estimate! and its going to cost a fortune to maintain, heat/cool , water changes , you will need HUGE holding containers(300-500 gallons) for top-offs, water changes, A skimmer on a tank this size is VERY expensive not to mention you will need an industrial size RODI unit( they must say dont drink the water in mexico for a reason right??) etc. etc. every month it will run you a thousand + dollars( low estimate)
Thats right in mexico we cant drink the water in some zones, but i was thinking to put that water and leave ciclying, for something like 1 or 2 months, and the water changes i'm goning to do it every 2weeks of the 10%, I saw here inthis forum or other sites that the people construct their shark ponds for something like 4,000dls -for example Requiem- he construct for something like 3700dls with all and fish, the tank is going to be of concrete, with a second wall of fiberglass, that is just for the safety of the shark.
For filtration I now is needed the sandfilter, skimmer and the sump -this is going to be for 1000lts- the lighting is abaout 5mh of 400 you say that this is a lot ok so how much mh do you put? I really want to see the fish like if the sun is overthere.
3.- krj-1168:
Well - then I hate to tell you - but your shark will be out growing your system - in about 12-18 months(if it's about 12-14" at the time you get it), or possibly less. And that's your absolute best case situation.
I tall you that I can leave with my neighboring aquarium
I also don't understand why your using Concrete, Fiberglass & Acrylic. It just seems like a complete waste of money - especially on such a small tank.
the tank is going to be of concrete, with a second wall of fiberglass, that is just for the safety of the shark, the acrylic is just to see the fish.
And chopping a 1-1.5' off your tanks dimension - only makes it smaller. which doesn't help in planning to keep an active swimming shark, like a blacktip reef - it only hurts.
I dont understand that...
For a tank the size your thinking of - your best to stick with sharks - like bamboos, horns, or small wobbies(japanese or wards), or maybe a few smaller rays.
Maybe in the soon I can keep 1 or 2 rays -bluespotstingray-