New Member
Hey everyone. I'm so worried. Okay here is the deal, we have a 60 gallon reef tank. We had a clown but he died a few weeks ago, water levels are perfect except our nitrates are about 40-80 our LFS told us to do a 30 percent water change. And we did. Then my hubby and I went to Cali for a week and decided to get a Lion Fish there. We got it this morning around 12 and drove immediately home to AZ . Max of. 6 hrs in the car. Lots of water, kept the car very cool and in a styrofoam box. We started acclimating as soon as we got home. About a hour and a half. We put him in, and now he's just at the bottom corner upside, still moving his mouth a very little bit but I'm worried he is going to die we retested the water, everything is still perfect except our nitrates again .. Idk why they are high? Especially since everything else is excellent. What could be going on with our new fishie? Would the nitrates do this? What do we do before he gives up on us??? Help! Thanks.
Angie. :sad:
Angie. :sad: