New Spotted Eel


OK, it is teaching time again so please do take some notes down

Oh gosh no, you gotten the names confused for there are two different eels with part of the same common name and only the eel your showing there is the Reticulate hookjaw moray and not that of the Hookjaw moray for they both have a different scientific name for the one you are thinking is the hookjaw you mention.
Its full name is Reticulate hookjaw moray (Enchelycore lichenosa ) and the other is the Hookjaw moray (Enchelycore bayeri ) that is the species I was telling you grows to 28" and the Reticulate hookjaw moray does grow to 3', but still there you got a pair of spotted eels that could grow a max of 4'.
In either case, you honestly think it be a good idea one those hookjaws are in with the spotted morays?
Girlfriend is yelling at me to get off the computer
That is your problem, I will not come between two love birds

I do hope I typed that correctly and not switched the info of both eels


OK, So it is the Reticulate hookjaw moray and not the hookjaw moray. Still its not a good idea...........Sorry
I was about to leave the house and I thought I would take a better look of your avatar and your only mistake was you had just half the name for I sat here and took your word for it, LOL
But being that I am taking this moment, I best to tell you that once those spotted eels grow, they are aggressive for food as when their small but you want to keep other eels with them and I told you if you gone with the spotted eels only, that you be needing a 150 gal tank.
My advise if you care to think about it is, make it a species only tank.
What size are the spotted eels?


Teaching time? lol I know what kind of eel I wanted. The reticulate hookjaw eel(Enchelycore lichenosa ), which is what I put all along. I don't know why you think I wanted the normal hookjaw. You must have just assumed that. I have done my homework. Here is the exact quote from when I asked if you could find me one.
"I've been looking for an eel I've found a pic of online called the reticulate hookjaw eel (my avatar). Enchelycore lichenosa. Haven't had much luck finding a seller on this either, though I've got a guy looking for one. All the cool eels are hard to find."
Honestly I don't think it will be a problem having the spotted eels with the reticulate hookjaw. The spotted are less aggressive than the reticulate.
I think we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. You haven't told me how awesome my eels are yet.


The reticulate hookjaw eel(Enchelycore lichenosa ), which is what I put all along.
You never said the reticulate hookjaw moray, you had only said the name hookjaw moray in which there is a difference as I stated
Or are you trying to drive me nuts LMBO :hilarious


If you did, I forgot, OK, for I was typed notice too only the hookjaw moray, I not until the last post typed in the reticulate hookjaw eel and I asked you precisely if you wanted the hookjaw moray and you not once corrected it that it was the reticulate species. So it is good that it was caught now, for just before I am typing now, I called Jeff to correct the name of the eel you would like to know price for and I told him or left him a message that it is the reticulate hookjaw moray.
I am dealing with lots of people, not just you and sometimes I could say something that has nothing to do with your eels but of some one else eels for I am not keeping any log to who is who and as I said, I been all the time typing only the name hookjaw moray and I only wish that you had made some corrects for me on that for I would had caught it in time.
And I said to you that still you are best off to not have these eels together and you cannot have the hookjaw moray with the zebra either. so you need to make a decision here.
It is either we get a quote from Jeff, or you keep the three eels you have now? Also you not be able to keep the spotted eels with the zebra forever I am sorry to tell you. so please take like an hour, talk to your lady there and I will be waiting for your answer to what you might do on this.
Im telling you if Jeff cannot get this eel, nobody can.
Its not so much as hard to find, it is how resourceful your lfs guy is.
SO your decision is to house these together, I cannot tell you differ and know this, they are both aggressive eels, only the spotted eels at full growth will could become a problem in any average size tank you say you would do.
As well I said, these eels have no place to go if they ever begin to reject one another and I hope those two spotted eels are a mated pair for they are still young as yet and in time their social behavior could and will change for the worst. But you not have it to what im telling you and also, you will need a whole LOT of LR and what size tank will you do here?
You think as so that the spotted eels are pushovers I see, They are outwards aggressive in the middle the day in the wild hunting for food to whereas I never seen any evidences so for on either hookjaws eels every out for prey other then they hunt at night at night.
You haven't told me how awesome my eels are yet
You need to understand something, I know the spotted eels are beautiful, but your camera not have them 100% clear in which I can say so just the same for your camera I can tell that they are spotted morays. For My camera if I was top take pics of your spotted eels the pics would be very clear, Im not being mean of the camera you have, only my eyes aren't as good as yours, for remember in your ID question?
And know this, the Reticulate hookjaw may be somewhat more longer to get because of the few location it is found like in the Galapagos Islands, Japan and Taiwan.


DME you are a pain in the

Right now you are just assuming they won't go well together and I honestly can't see why. They are roughly the same size and the eels I have have shown no aggression to other eels. If the eels don't work out together then of course I will not house them in a tank together. So please let me know about the reticulate hookjaw moray. By the time he finds one I will have the larger tank. I have a 75 gallon QT tank set up. If any of the eels don't get along I can move it to there short term. Let's leave it at that for now.


DME you are a pain in the

I had to answer this right away for I am not a pain for listen, your pics are not doing your eels any justice.


Originally Posted by boalgf
DME you are a pain in the

Right now you are just assuming they won't go well together and I honestly can't see why. They are roughly the same size and the eels I have have shown no aggression to other eels. If the eels don't work out together then of course I will not house them in a tank together. So please let me know about the reticulate hookjaw moray. By the time he finds one I will have the larger tank. I have a 75 gallon QT tank set up. If any of the eels don't get along I can move it to there short term. Let's leave it at that for now.

I am not assuming anything, I am telling you that to do what you want to do here you will be in need of more then twice the tank size and im not guessing here for the zebra and SFE were your first two eels, were they? You are now entering a whole new territory with eels if one reject the company of the other, you be seeing either teeth marks or a corpse if the attack is relentless. For the hookjaw, either one will retreat from a full grown spotted moray. Nothing to do with guessing either for you need to know something, you read that some 4 page part on other here asked of me, didn`t you?
I had all sorts of moray species and I am telling you that you not any idea in this and as I said, that eel is still smaller then the spotted in which would give the spotted an edge as well as it can be quite aggressive.
As you said, you not see any aggression with the eels, for like any eel species, they go through changes from when while are juveniles and into their adult stages For I wouldn't even put my male dragon with a spotted for he is a nearly just as large the R. Hookjaw. Does that tell you anything??
So all four will be together and only if it dont work out you will move an eel or two?
So what size tank this will be or is it the 150 I first suggested to you? And what of the part that I suggested you will be needing lots of LR? You as well will need more then five power heads for the tanks water currents. Depending on the tanks measurements that model of the pumps.


They are near the same size now, later or very much later the spotted eels will grow larger for you are only looking at the eels now making you decisions, you are in no way professional looking at this in the long term.


Really DME. Talking to you, it's very hard to maintain my composure. Has anyone ever told you you lack social skills? You also jump the gun and assume relentlessly, which makes it hard for me to discuss things with you and be mature, since you act so abrasive. Yes I know the spotted eels will get to 4'. You are not the only person who has knowledge on eels. I am looking at the long term. The eels will be housed in a 200 gallon aquarium, like I said from the start. I know all about powerheads and filtration. I know the requirements for their size and I know that fish are less aggressive at younger ages. Stop assuming I am a beginner. I have researched these eels and any errors you think I've made were only on your part. Please, like i heard another poster once say to you. "Step down off your high horse." Honestly, getting the eel I want is not worth dealing with your condescending attitude.
I'm sorry if you thought I was asking for your advice at all in this thread, I wasn't. I only intended to show off my new eels. You obviously can't just say, "Nice eels." You instead need to strut and preen, dishing out knowledge and giving unwanted lectures. For the love of god man, let it go. I'm sure you've never owned a spotted moray or a Reticulate hookjaw, so all of your knowledge is coming from the same sources I have. However now I have firsthand knowledge on owning spotted morays. Know what? There is not much to it. Eels are the easiest fish to care for I'd say. I am very capable at handling fish and taking action if unexpected problems occur.
I hope you continue giving advice to other hobbyists and myself. However, I'd appreciate you letting it go in this instance and just enjoying the pics. Also, don't bother with asking Jeff about the eel. I couldn't imagine having to deal with you on a business transaction.


You just done no better then that of those I told you about, for I only mean well and to give you the best views that I know and not of assuming it. And I told you can do what you want and I with all honesty been trying to be as good about it as best I can, but you just don`t see it and at the bottom of the other response, I only asked you of some things so I have it good and clear to what you be doing in the best interest for those eels.
I Will not tell you what is best anymore for it is the same all over, people want to hear what they only want and not what they really need. For yes, it cost more money, I sympathies (Hope its spell right) with you on that, I really do and I am in no way telling you that you must for you said it once and I told you if that is what you want to do, I cannot tell you anything that would help you change your mind, I feel hurt after you said you not for I do feel that the reason you said it was because you weren't hearing what would please you better.
So in the light that from here on, I will make no more suggestions of tank requirements for any eel species. So with that, do you want I check for price or not?


boalgf, With all honesty, I had readied your other post after the response I sent and I have to say I have no idea to how long you been in the hobby, I not know anything to what is your experiences in the hobby and you could had been nicer about it then what you had and I would still help you about the R. hookjaw, if you want.
If that is the attitude you have, you just made it all not worth even trying to best assist you :(


Also, don't bother with asking Jeff about the eel. I couldn't imagine having to deal with you on a business transaction.
The only doing I will have is talking to Jeff and telling you when and if you not know how to get to his store to tell you that as well, I will in no way have any doing with you and I like to tanks you for all your kind words for it really hurts after everything

So with that, you want the eel I can see if and when and cost?
Also because of you now, I will take time to make a post that I will never again tell anything but of the eel in question for the majority of people only want to hear what they want and as you done with me, you not even took the time to explain anything about your experiences but shown me nothing other then your attitude and I took much time to best try and help. For that I like to Thank You With All my heart :(


Active Member
boalgf!! That's a kick ass pair!!!
Your idea seems more than fine to me...a 200 will be more than enough room.
Dont get frustrated...speaking from experiance, you just gotta go with it and dont worry about DME.


Thanks for the kind words AW.
DME I am not looking to hear what I want to hear, since I wasn't asking for advice. Unless you mean I wanted to hear how cool my eels are.


Aw, you are always showing me two types of faces, you say to others were best of friends for that I serious doubt very much for I message you last night and you didn't bother for I want to clear up what is true or not for as right this moment because of how upset boalgf has cause me to fell and pressure problems at this time which is causing me to type even slower.
I will late put together a message to all that from now on I will not care of what tank requirements or tank inhabitants one will have. For you boalgf, you could had been somewhat sensitive in your choice of words for I know nothing about what you really know and you could had said it In understanding way which I would had said, fine and that would all been done and I would see of the eel.
For as I said, with the time I giving you in the best interest in assisting you and I was nothing more then that so in the light of your express attitude here, I will post a message that I will only give what one ask and never again try to look out for and moray species for however I am sure boalgf that you will do far better then three other I know of elsewhere.
And boalgf, Im sorry you felt what you thought and I will do only from here on what's best for my health, for you have no idea of what's happening at this time with me and I not want it happening again.
Sincerely, DME


DME I am not looking to hear what I want to hear, since I wasn't asking for advice. Unless you mean I wanted to hear how cool my eels are.
I had said that they are beautiful and that after you get a better camera, the pics will do them justice for what is it you want for my eyes with the pic is a little differ from yours, i not see it all as clear for the eels as beautiful they are, for me I see in those pics a lot of darkness and this is no lie.