Well, that would be up to him, but he could been somewhat of a better understanding then exploding and only showing anger with telling me he knows of water currents, LR and such but he not needed to say it in the attitude he did it in for I not idea of any other persons background experiences in this hobby For I am still at this time with high blood pressure and now because of his outburst, it forces me to make a decision because i have to loom after my health for these people are most are never considered to other peoples feelings and I no wish to have my life cut short then it will be because of not wishing to explain matters in a more friendlier way.
It as well makes me feel that with most people it not worth going so out of my way for know this, I not need to be here, for yes, I could and will at some time have a question, but at most I always after my 12th or 15th year in this done rather well but I am as well moving into slightly different area of corals. I not had any tanks crash or a major ich outbreak. The thing is, there is more yet for people in having eels for I said much on what those things are.
Nothing has ever made it worth my while to had started in a forum not even ten years ago for I look back and see people where most the time always the same for I believe that boalgf after i explained that he could had said what he did in a much better tone for as well, I think in all the years I been in any forum, I only thus far asked about three question I think and they weren't anything like info on a fish or so.
I am feeling so far much emotions to what happen and I am back because of this day to either simply quit trying to assist anyone with anything or just as I said, only the eels name and size for I have to feel that things like this will always accure and im wondering if it only because of some misunderstandings because I have always meant well and can no longer place trust in people that they do want to hear what I too say on any moray species and in their aquarium requirements and as well, I never make assume anything with in moray species for which if I not know the answer, I would had said so.
And I have to guess that boalgf not understood that I need somewhat better image photos then he took, for I see in the pics here that the eel looks to me as if one took the negative print and paste it and trust me boalgf when I tell you, I not see the image as that well when darken out or so and I am not trying to be insulting but all of what you had shown at the end, was no appreciation for the time I giving you.
I really wish you done that different
And im sorry that you took it all so wrong.