Shoreliner11 & waterfaller1,
Thank you both very much!!! As Jugger said in an earlier post the pictures don't do it any justice!
Yeah I am a sucker for hard luck cases. A LFS employee tried to tell me it was a perfectly healthy anemone? If it isn't in the garbage can yet it is healthy to them! It had completely explelled all of it's zooxanthelle and it's mouth was sitting wide open so it was far from from healthy. I was able to talk them down to $20. This is the same LFS that sold me my badly starved LTA as a BTA (it was in the process of consuming itself for energy due to light and food starvation under their NO lighting). Fortunately I have been able to turn that around and am hoping to do the same with the carpet anemone. Here are some before and after shots of the LTA. This is what it looked like when I got it from them (look how short it the tentacles were - pretty bad from for a LTA!)