new tank build starts this weekend

Originally Posted by saltyfish808
My clean up crew did come in today

18 - blue leg hermits
18 - scarlet hermits
18 - turbo snails
4 - emerald crabs
5 - peppermint shrimp
1 - cleaner clam
50 - hermit shells
I also added 200 copepods to the fuge


Tank looks good so far. Just make sure your levels are stable before you start adding any corals, especially sps.
I will be setting up my 55 gallon QT tank Sunday after I finish my stand! Can i put live sand in my QT tank or should it just have a spray painted bottom?
ok, my QT tank is up and running! I ordered a bak-pak skimmer and a couple of maxi-jet 900's for it that will be here thursday!

Yep, but they have been disconnected . I did not like the fact of the bubbles popping all over the hood
A bit messy if you ask me
My fish will finally be moving back to the DT next Friday
I am very glad that I set up my QT tank now and will always keep it up and running