new tank came in today. "diary"


lastly , my war against ich...

uv 2 (9watt)

uv 1 and 2. (connect to the same hose passing the gamma first then exiting the 9 watt)


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm new to saltwater. But how did you go from an empty tank to a tank with fish all set up ready to display in a matter of a week? What about cycling?


Originally Posted by Jim417mx
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm new to saltwater. But how did you go from an empty tank to a tank with fish all set up ready to display in a matter of a week? What about cycling?
Well if you use water from your old tank which has already cycled then you dont have to cycle with the new one. i saved about 60 gallons of old water from the old tank and placed it in the new one. then added new water. i kept all the fish in a big 45 gallon bucket and did the transfer after about 2 days (had to let subtrate settle)the new tank was filled. did the test, temps, and acclminante.
here, this might help you.

reef diver

Active Member
Wow, I love your aquascape looks very natural. And we gotta love the hose! Is upgrading cheaper than completely getting new tank, rock etc, I imagin upgrading is cheaper.

reef diver

Active Member
I detest api test kits now, it said for 4 months my nitrates were above 140 ppm and I was freakin, then i brought a sample to my LFS which is 72 miles away, and meanwhile my corals are fine, anemone is fine, fish are fine, and his readings come back with nitrates at under .05ppm aggg i hate API, lol, srry had to rant


Active Member
Originally Posted by lukeb321
that yellow tang looks really skinny. You got greens in there?
looks like one of the other tangs is putting a beating on it as well. tank looks really nice otherwise.


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
Wow, I love your aquascape looks very natural. And we gotta love the hose! Is upgrading cheaper than completely getting new tank, rock etc, I imagin upgrading is cheaper.
well ya upgrading is cheaper cuz u get to use all your old stuff in the new tank. but you do have to buy some more rocks and stuff if ur upgrading from a smalll tank to a larger one. but yeah uprgrading kinda puts less pressure on your wallet.
. rather then buying new stuff again.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
looks like one of the other tangs is putting a beating on it as well. tank looks really nice otherwise.
yeah but its been goin on since may. the yellow tang likes to pick at the smaller one but its strange that the bigger one eats poop that comes out of the smaller one. :notsure: and shares a cave with it...


Originally Posted by lukeb321
that yellow tang looks really skinny. You got greens in there?
yeah its real healthy thats why. what u mean by greens?


Originally Posted by Pat713
Any refuge? How much spare water to you keep handy?
no refuge. sadly it was planned but the problem was that the doors on the stand could not fit a 30 gallon sump/fuge! so i had to downgrade to a 20 gallon to fit in. the 20 barely has room for anything now since i put a g-3 skimmer now. it sucks but thats the way it is. i keep 35 gallons of spare water ready.


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
I detest api test kits now, it said for 4 months my nitrates were above 140 ppm and I was freakin, then i brought a sample to my LFS which is 72 miles away, and meanwhile my corals are fine, anemone is fine, fish are fine, and his readings come back with nitrates at under .05ppm aggg i hate API, lol, srry had to rant
whaaa. api test kits are ok. did u dose anything for your corals or add additives?


Active Member
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
Well if you use water from your old tank which has already cycled then you dont have to cycle with the new one. i saved about 60 gallons of old water from the old tank and placed it in the new one. then added new water. i kept all the fish in a big 45 gallon bucket and did the transfer after about 2 days (had to let subtrate settle)the new tank was filled. did the test, temps, and acclminante.
here, this might help you.
old water alone will do nothing to prevent a cycle. adequate amounts of established and intact transfered solid media (rock, filtration media, substrate ect that hasn't been out of water long enough to kill the bacteria) is the only thing that will prevent cycling. Large quantities of old water are kept simply because the parameters of that water is what your livestock and other little creatures are aclimmated to and probably still held in during the transfer. If you could match the parameters (pH, salinity, alk, temp) you'd have a cleaner start using all new water. when I moved I used all new water with no cycle and not a single lost right down to the last fire shrimp and hermit. I simply left and transfered the rocks and substrate submerged in tank water prior to putting in the tank.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
old water alone will do nothing to prevent a cycle. adequate amounts of established and intact transfered solid media (rock, filtration media, substrate ect that hasn't been out of water long enough to kill the bacteria) is the only thing that will prevent cycling. Large quantities of old water are kept simply because the parameters of that water is what your livestock and other little creatures are aclimmated to and probably still held in during the transfer. If you could match the parameters (pH, salinity, alk, temp) you'd have a cleaner start using all new water. when I moved I used all new water with no cycle and not a single lost right down to the last fire shrimp and hermit. I simply left and transfered the rocks and substrate submerged in tank water prior to putting in the tank.
yeh i forgot to mentionn that. i did add all the rocks and all except the subtrate which was cc. i replaced it with live sand. also added the bio rings and seachem matrix in a pany hose and placed it in the sump which was previously from the canister.. i also dosed a little bit of cycling bacteria in a bottle.