New Tank Help!


Okay, my bf bought me a 55 gallon tank w/ stand as an early christmas gift.
The tank came with a skimmer (which I have no idea how to set up) and an aqua clear powerhead.
I went and bought a Penn Plex Cascade 1000 filter and set that up. I also added 3 cups of instant ocean because that is what they said to add. It's been days since this is set up with a heater and I checked the water with a hydrometer that came with the tank and its not reading anything. I guess I need a new one?
Also, I bought a bag of live sand. I read that I have to clean it in a bucket then add it to the tank. I am also going to get live rock , how much should I get?
I went and bought one of those master kits which tests ph, ammonia, etc.
Is there anything else I need? I have been trying to read everything I can and set it up right before I even think about fish. Thanks everyone!


Your hydrometer is not registering anything because you have no where near enough salt in your tank. The Instant Ocean bag for a 50 gallon mix weighs 15 lbs. That's probably in the neighborhood of 20 cups!


Active Member
i agree. you need alot more salt.
i wouldn't wash out your live sand. just drain any water that's in the bag and then add it to the tank.
a pound to a pound and a half of live rock per gallon. need atleast 55 pounds. get that as soon as possible, and scrub off any large pieces of debris, and add that to the tank.
this will create a cycle which will last a month or so. then, once you have no detectable ammonia or nitrite, you can start slowly and add things to the tank. study up on the things you add before you add them.
there are alot of helpful threads to read here. start with all the threads marked *sticky*

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Welcome to

Please try and read this before you spend one more cent.


live rock should be 1 to 1.5 lbs per gallon. that instant ocean rep should be shot...


Member since there is only 3 cups of salt mixed in, how much more should I add. I am so mad at that rep now. I am sitting here waiting when I could of had the salt right and the sand added.
I will drain the sand then like you said , thanks.
Yes, that rep should be shot. I guess I have to buy more salt now, I think I only have a 30lb bag.


Keep in mind that the advertised tank size is usually greatly exagerrated. Your "55" gallon probably holds between 42 and 50 gallons of water depending on the exact inside dimensions (length and width) and the level of the water. Unless you measured the ammount of water you put in the tank, sneak up on that salt level. It's much easier to adjust up.
Oh yeah, Welcome!


Sorry that took so long. I use a different salt so I had to do a little searching. Instant Ocean says use about 1/2 cup per gallon. Let's assume you're dealing with 44 gallons of water in the tank. You'd need 22 cups total, so I'd add 19 cups, slowly, stirring as you add, get that power head and filter going and check it tomorrow morning. Again, it's hard to know without knowing exactly how much water is in the tank.


Thanks! I have read a few things on the forum and I happy to join it!
That is what I figured about the size. I just checked the bag of salt and it's a 50lb bag. I guess I will keep adding until it's the right saltinity?
Also, my bf was going to take me out tomorrow to maybe buy some live rock. If I get the saltinity right by tomorrow- can I add it?
Should I get another power head? I have one that I am trying to get working, for some reason everything else set up great but this powerhead is killing me! The filter also has a long strip of pipe that sticks along the side of the top of the tank and spit water out of its many whole- so is that also acting like a powerhead?
Sorry if I ask any stupid questions- I just have read so many things online I am not sure what to do now, so I figured why not ask a whole forum of people who have their tanks set up!!


Active Member
wait... you said that you have a 55 and 30# bag of salt, which i doubt, but a bag of salt that makes 50 gallons only weighs about 15 pounds... why do you need more?

uh, anyways, the rep may have meant 3 cups per gallon, but i think IO is about .5 cups per gallon, so either way, yeah, thats definately wrong. just keep mixing more salt in slowly and checking your SG. you may want to buy a refractometer while youre at it. theyre more accurate than hydrometers.


Active Member
you can cycle your tank with live rock but any hitchhikers or most other life on it will die.
flow is very important, i would get a couple more powerheads. what cant you figure out about yours? theyre pretty simple. are you having a hard time putting it together? post a pic or explain what youre having trouble with and we can help you out.
no, the spraybar on your filter doesnt really add to much as far as flow goes. it may help you with oxygenation though.


Thanks I am going to add some more salt now..I thought it was weird, only 3 cups!
Okay, so the powerhead is together....I plugged it in and all it does is make noise. I left it run for a while and nothing. I know with some filters,etc you can add water to get it running...what should I do.
Do you suggest one more powerhead then? I am going to the petstore tomorrow with the bf and he said he will buy me lr so I know I can squeeze another powerhead in there too!!!


Active Member
is it the kind of powerhead that you can take the impeller out of? if it is, take everything off down to the impeller, submerge it, and then plug it in. is the impeller spinning? if not, take it out, put it back in, etc. generally just play with it for a while and itll probably start working. if not, its broken, and you should take it back. anyways, if the impeller does start spinning, put the casing back on and you should be set. yes, i would suggest another powerhead. even if you end up not needing it, its always good to have an extra one of everything.


Active Member
it might make some kind of grinding noise when you first plug it in. thats normal. is it blowing water when you plug it in?


I just re-plugged it in and scared the hell out of my dog, lol. I tried to feel under it and I don't think I felt any blowing :(


It's loud like a horrible shop vac loud. I guess I am going to take it all apart again tomorrow morning and try again when everyone is awake

I am also going to test the water again tomorrow since I should now have the right saltinity! Thanks again to everyone!!
I will be back tomorrow morning with hopefully good news about the sand and the power head!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Try turning the powerhead upside down in the tank and letting the air out ,sometimes that will get it going .Also remove that link before the mods get you.....
.We arent supposed to post links to competitors sites.
Be Afraid Very Afraid Of the MODS
