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It doesnt really matter what condition the tank is in unless it is just in shambles. IMO, if the tank doenst leak, the heater still works, the filter motor works, and the lights work you are 90% there.
THe live sand is now dead since it has been sitting for 5 months. You can guarantee that the water is full of algea.
I would buy the tank. Take it home and get all the sand out of it. Then, using bleach and water fill the tank up and start scrubbing with a non abbrassive to get the tank nice and clean of algea. Do this for 1-2 days.
Then, soak all the sand in bleach. Get all the organizms that live or lived in the sand out. Soak the heater and filter in bleach. Then buy new filter pads.
RINSE RINSE RINSE!!! Till you cant smell any bleach. I would apply a new layer of silicone inside the tank to save yourself some issues later with leaking.
Then, do a dry run of all the equipment, set it all up (sand and all) and get a hose and fill it up...turn everything on and make sure that it works as expected. If everything is good...drain it and start your re-fill with Salt water.
Wait 6 weeks and add your fish!
i heard using vinegar to clean the tank is a lot better? but what kind of bleach? will clorox bleach work the ones used on clothes? and the new layer of silicone how do i do it? i heard putting plexy glass on the bottom of the tank was also good is that true?
thanks for the advice. oh and what about an emperor angel fish in the tank? what can i put in with him?