new to aggressive tanks


New Member
i am trying to start an aggressive tank and i would like to put at least two triggers, two lions, and and two puffers. i was wondering if any could give me some info on what types of each of these fish would be able to live with each other? if any one could help it would be very helpful thanks.


1. never, ever put 2 puffers together. they can when they are young, but they will get extremely aggressive towards each other as they get older, either resulting in injury or death to one of em.
2. alot of triggers are compatible iirc, maybe a whiteline, niger, pinktail, humahuma, bursa or sumthin like that would work.
3. i do not know much about lions since i do not have one, so i will let someone else tell you about that.
i hope you have at least a 125g for this too


Active Member
Originally Posted by tjcmjdad
i am trying to start an aggressive tank and i would like to put at least two triggers, two lions, and and two puffers. i was wondering if any could give me some info on what types of each of these fish would be able to live with each other? if any one could help it would be very helpful thanks.
IMO; lions do not mix with triggers at all. Puffers, maybe. Triggers will harass the slower lions to death; always after their flowing fins. Lions are not aggressive fish (based on my experience and everything I've read.). They are predators, not usually aggressive, and seldom bother fish that are too big to be swallowed whole; they like to be left alone and triggers won't do that. I think the much-believed idea , that lions are very aggressive, is mostly myth . They are venomous hunters, but do well with non-aggressive fish that are big enough not to be eaten. My big volitan is with a longnose butterfly, harlequin tusk, goldstripe maroon clown, and a young emperor angel. I'd never add a trigger to this mix; but I do like and keep triggers, as well.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
IMO; lions do not mix with triggers at all. Puffers, maybe. Triggers will harass the slower lions to death; always after their flowing fins. Lions are not aggressive fish (based on my experience and everything I've read.). They are predators, not usually aggressive, and seldom bother fish that are too big to be swallowed whole; they like to be left alone and triggers won't do that. I think the much-believed idea , that lions are very aggressive, is mostly myth . They are venomous hunters, but do well with non-aggressive fish that are big enough not to be eaten. My big volitan is with a longnose butterfly, harlequin tusk, goldstripe maroon clown, and a young emperor angel. I'd never add a trigger to this mix; but I do like and keep triggers, as well.
You can put a blue throat, a Sargassum, crosshatch, niger or a hawaiian black trigger in with a lion. I had a niger in with a lion and he did not go after the lion. These are the more nicer triggers that I know of. Good luck hope this help


Active Member
Originally Posted by redman1221
You can put a blue throat, a Sargassum, crosshatch, niger or a hawaiian black trigger in with a lion. I had a niger in with a lion and he did not go after the lion. These are the more nicer triggers that I know of. Good luck hope this help
Im not surprised, these situations often depend on the individual fish; I've had two small nigers that both harassed a large lion until I switched them. No 100% answers here.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Im not surprised, these situations often depend on the individual fish; I've had two small nigers that both harassed a large lion until I switched them. No 100% answers here.
You got a point it do depend on the fish, I do know that you can not put a queen trigger in with a lion they are mean.


Active Member
Originally Posted by redman1221
You got a point it do depend on the fish, I do know that you can not put a queen trigger in with a lion they are mean.
Yeah, triggers have lots of individual personality. I had a clown trigger for over 11 years and it never bothered anyone. The one I have now passed the "juvi" stage and will attack anything; including me. I mean attack, its not just feeding behavior; I have to fence him off when I'm sticking hands in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by redman1221
You got a point it do depend on the fish, I do know that you can not put a queen trigger in with a lion they are mean.
Queen triggers should only be kept in specimen tanks with more than 200 gallons.
The Queen and the Titan are the meanest fish in the business.


New Member
thanks i will look more into it more before i ever buy them but this is a very good start. thanks again.


New Member
Limitedslip said:
1. never, ever put 2 puffers together. they can when they are young, but they will get extremely aggressive towards each other as they get older, either resulting in injury or death to one of em.
thanks but do you know of any puffers that get along or should i just go with one to be safe?


I do not know of any puffers that get along, I would recommend 1 as i said before. A lot of ppl will say the same thing, it is a rule of thumb to keep only 1 puffer per tank.


in my old 100 gallon i had a lion fish,bur puffer,porcupine puffer, niger trigger,clown trigger, snow flake & wolf eel and never had a problem. the porcupine was approxx 3 years old & the bur was about a year and never had a problem with them.......but i guess it depends on the personality of the fish too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by burpuffer
in my old 100 gallon i had a lion fish,bur puffer,porcupine puffer, niger trigger,clown trigger, snow flake & wolf eel and never had a problem. the porcupine was approxx 3 years old & the bur was about a year and never had a problem with them.......but i guess it depends on the personality of the fish too.
You hit a note with me that I've been repeating for a while now. This is a forum; an exchange of ideas and experiences. This hobby is so relatively new and rapidly changing that there are very few things "set in stone" (Don't cycle with damsels should be one of them.) When it comes to "Can I keep these fish together"; there will ALWAYS be exceptions. IMO; if a person wants to take a chance and go "against the rules' its his choice. I do have a problem when folks just don't do their homework, can't provide for the fish's needs, or tries something that experts consider impossible. Most folks on this forum are great, I've been in the SW hobby a long time and have come to really value the opinions and advice I get here. But. I guess, I still make up my own mind! Thanks to everyone here.