Originally Posted by srfisher17
IMO; lions do not mix with triggers at all. Puffers, maybe. Triggers will harass the slower lions to death; always after their flowing fins. Lions are not aggressive fish (based on my experience and everything I've read.). They are predators, not usually aggressive, and seldom bother fish that are too big to be swallowed whole; they like to be left alone and triggers won't do that. I think the much-believed idea , that lions are very aggressive, is mostly myth . They are venomous hunters, but do well with non-aggressive fish that are big enough not to be eaten. My big volitan is with a longnose butterfly, harlequin tusk, goldstripe maroon clown, and a young emperor angel. I'd never add a trigger to this mix; but I do like and keep triggers, as well.
You can put a blue throat, a Sargassum, crosshatch, niger or a hawaiian black trigger in with a lion. I had a niger in with a lion and he did not go after the lion. These are the more nicer triggers that I know of. Good luck hope this help