New to Forum - My 225 Gallon Tank


I looked for an intro section in the forum but did not locate one.
I have been in the hobby for about 15 yrs and was in the business of setting up and maintaining saltwater tanks for approximately 6 yrs. Had to let it go due to back ailments. My son still does it at this time.
Here is my 225 Gallon tank.
It contains some rare fish that I am very proud to own for quite some time now.
All have been with me now anywheres from 3 yrs to about 10 yrs.
List of fish:
15" Emperor Angel from New Caledonnia
Scribbled Angel
Red Sea Blonde Naso
Black Tang
Clarion Angel
Conspic Angel
Flame Angel
Goldflake Angel
Blueface Angel
Declavis Butterfly
Cleaner Wrasse (five years old, believe it or not)
Blueline Angel
Zebra Eel
Pair of mated clowns (one black)


Active Member
honestly im not a big fan of the decor, but you make it work.
great pics, great tank, welcome to the boards. this site is very good, good people,and good info.
a black tang, there sick, rediculously expensive, rare, but so sweet, kudos to you


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
honestly im not a big fan of the decor, but you make it work.
great pics, great tank, welcome to the boards. this site is very good, good people,and good info.
a black tang, there sick, rediculously expensive, rare, but so sweet, kudos you
Seems like a cool place indeed.
I would love to do the decor differently with live rock and corals but my love for angels would cost me dearly as they would feast on that.
I found years ago that this type set up, although false in perspective, works real well for keeping these rare guys healthy. Easy to eliminate contaminants, if ever any.


Active Member
Beautiful fish!!!!!!!!!!
How do you keep everthing so clean and new looking. I don't even see coraline algea. Must tank lots of manual cleaning. How do all your angels get along? They all look very healthy. What do you feed and how often?


Active Member
Angel - This tank is AWESOME!!! I am an angel fanatic as well! I currently have an Emperor and a Blueface. I used to have a french angel but took her out a while back.
My newest plan is to get a 400-500g tank and have an angel only just like yours.
Do you have any pics of the goldflake?