New to Forum - My 225 Gallon Tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by AngelMan
This is not conventional wisdom in this hobby so I warn all to please don't read if you are nervous about these things.
Something I learned many years ago, I threw out all test kits.
I have no clue what my water levels are.
Don't care.
Don't even monitor salinity.
For salt, 1 cup per 2.5 gallons. That gives me 1.019-1.020 salinity.
If it doesn't, fish have yet to complain.

Don't use buffers.
Don't test PH.
Don't test for Nitrates.
Have never acclimated any fish when going from hospital tank to show tank.
I swear.
More importantly, I don't have deseases for one reason and one reason only, I don't buy any fish.
Have had all these guys as much as 10 years now (Emperor) and a minimum of 3 (Clarion and Flame).
When I use to worry about all that stuff, things invariably use to go wrong.
When I stopped worrying and let things be, all began to remain peaceful.
I just concern myself with regular water changes and removal/cleaning of pads/skimmer.
Not saying this will work for all but heck, has worked for me.
Your my HERO....
I'm the same way


Active Member
Seriously,....You have summed up what this hobby should be about in a very bold and informative way.
I knew as soon as I saw your tank


but i must say, its good to see a saltwater tank actually stocked, as opposed to a big cube of water with 4 fish in it


Active Member
Originally Posted by AAnthony
but i must say, its good to see a saltwater tank actually stocked, as opposed to a big cube of water with 4 fish in it
Ya, I've seen plenty of 180g with that kind of stock list.LOL


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Ya, I've seen plenty of 180g with that kind of stock list.LOL
i think he has a pretty rare stocklist, especially that black tang and the clarion,
and im sure this guy is pleased to hear that his stocklist is the same as everybody else.


Active Member
dude, you have to get a video on youtube and post a link here! I want to see thost guys in motion! Awesome fish!


Active Member
Originally Posted by AAnthony
i think he has a pretty rare stocklist, especially that black tang and the clarion,
and im sure this guy is pleased to hear that his stocklist is the same as everybody else.

Yes he has a pretty rare stock list. I meant is that unfortunately you see 2 large angels and multiple tangs in a 180g.


Dang I need a new hobby... I was showing these pictures to my husband and my 6 year old said "Mommy you couldn't have those fish, they are too big to flush".


Active Member
by chance any way you can stand back far enough to get the tank plus stand and canopy in the shot. this would be a true full tank shot


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kynekke
Dang I need a new hobby... I was showing these pictures to my husband and my 6 year old said "Mommy you couldn't have those fish, they are too big to flush".

I hear you... my wife can't even keep goldfish


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
by chance any way you can stand back far enough to get the tank plus stand and canopy in the shot. this would be a true full tank shot
Man, you guys are making me work that digital of mine.

Will do.
I enjoy photography anyhow and look for reasons to shoot.
Will be back.


Here is a full view.
I helped build the furniture and did my own staining which was lots of fun.
Had to match rest of furniture or wife would not have it.


Some of the missing characters from the list of stock I posted.
Five year old Cleaner Wrasse (with a full stomach from Spectrum)