New to Forum - My 225 Gallon Tank



Originally Posted by bullitr
after seeing this i missed my fowlr set up . and thinking of getting another tank and put all reef in it and make my current tank and angels and tangs only tank .
ps. i am unconventional guy too, most often misunderstood.i do things that may work great in my tank and may not for work everyone.
just my 2 cents
Absolutely true.
The thing to do is absorb as much as possible about what works for folks.
Experiment as you see fit and take what you think will work for you.
Main thing is to not dismiss something, simply because it is unorthodox or something one has never heard. Knowledge is power!
Cudos for being unconventional also.


Hope this is enjoyed.
As promised, a Zebra Moray Eel dining on Spectrum pellets.
Bet you conventional wisdom does not believe this either.

I guess next, will video/photo the eggs when the mated clowns lay them again, in a fish only system with bleached corals and no anenomes and they use one of the bleached corals to attach them, in plain sight.
Can't wait.



Active Member
well ill tell ya ur taking everything in stride. your tank is truely amazing. thank you for not taking my last post the wrong way. this thread has taken off since i went to work.


Active Member
In my FOWLR I also do RODI with salt (which I put in ~9 cups of salt for a 33g tub). I dont measure...I dont put a heater in either. I mix, set my powerhead in there and attach my hose. Let the water run for a while to mix around and replace the water in my tank.
My fish love the colder water. The swim through it like kids on a slip n' slide. My trigger tries to bite the new water. My emperor litterally knows when I am replacing the water and cant wait to get into the fresh water. Like Angel said, it is like a bath.
I do water changes when I feel the tank needs cleaning...I dont add any chemicals. I do keep up my calcium cause I like the coraline algea and the fish love to eat it.
Kudos to you Angel. Your techniques are truly phenominal and your tank and fish are absolutely gorgeous.


Absolutely fabulous! Just read the intire thread.
There was one question that I never saw the answer to though. Could you explain your bleaching technique in detail?
And I agree with the South Florida statement. I saw quite a few tanks with similair dicorations down there.
Thanks Alex


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
after you bleach the decor, what do you soak them in just SW or FW and for how long.
i was wondering the same thing on page 2


Originally Posted by AngelMan
This is not conventional wisdom in this hobby so I warn all to please don't read if you are nervous about these things.
Something I learned many years ago, I threw out all test kits.
I have no clue what my water levels are.
Don't care.
Don't even monitor salinity.
For salt, 1 cup per 2.5 gallons. That gives me 1.019-1.020 salinity.
If it doesn't, fish have yet to complain.

Don't use buffers.
Don't test PH.
Don't test for Nitrates.
Have never acclimated any fish when going from hospital tank to show tank.
I swear.
More importantly, I don't have deseases for one reason and one reason only, I don't buy any fish.
Have had all these guys as much as 10 years now (Emperor) and a minimum of 3 (Clarion and Flame).
When I use to worry about all that stuff, things invariably use to go wrong.
When I stopped worrying and let things be, all began to remain peaceful.
I just concern myself with regular water changes and removal/cleaning of pads/skimmer.
Not saying this will work for all but heck, has worked for me.

Since everyone is confessing, guess I'll do the same.
I'm not a fad follower and I do things that I think is best for my tank which may go against the norm also. But I do test my params regularly. But your ideology is the same as my Dad's when he was running "all natural" systems when I was a small
I just knew that you would get flamed by the experts!

Anyway your tank is wonderful by being simple in nature and necessity.


To the question earlier, yes, my only main tank.
I do have a 55 QT that runs always and has fish in it also. Currently has a snow bird customer's fish in it.
We had at one time a 75 gallon reef until it got wiped out by a hurricane outage that lasted a week.
We decided to keep one tank only after that.
In addition, electricity in Florida has gone nuts.
I average nearly $500 a month in the summer.
Would be another $100 or so with a reef going.
As far as the bleaching, it is simple.
Chlorine in a sprayer bottle.
Lots of water to hose it down.
Then a second sprayer with Amquel.
I am able to readily return them to the tank with no problems but always make sure they pass the smell test.


Originally Posted by USC932000
I just knew that you would get flamed by the experts!

Anyway your tank is wonderful by being simple in nature and necessity.
I recall reading somewhere that Christopher Columbus was flamed by all the skeptics of his theory that the world was not flat.


Originally Posted by Trigger78
AngelMan, Could you pm me about where one might be able to find a black clown?
Thanks Alex
My son got that guy.
I believe it came from the wholesaler/importer he was with at the time.
They have since closed their doors.
Will need to get with him when I do see him pass by the house.
He does live here but seems I only see him pass by once in a while as his living here is more part time.


Originally Posted by Tboy
what kind of sands are you using?
I have always used "live" sand since its introduction in the hobby.
Has bio.
Is clean and ready for instant use.
No hours of cleaning near a sink.
Within a short time of dropping in a running tank, the water is clear.


Originally Posted by Trigger78
AngelMan, Could you pm me about where one might be able to find a black clown?
Thanks Alex
I was quite groggy when my son walked in last night and I asked him about this clown so I could be messing up where it is he came from. I believe he said it this type s only found on Duncan Island. Unfortunately, he said they no longer collect there.
This type of clown, with his mated pair would retail for about $300 for the two combined. His mate is a regular Ocellaris.