new to salt (starting a 10g)

I wouldn't flame you, I have a 10g with only a filter on it, its a filter for up to 30gs. It gives flow through the whole tank, plus I do 25% water change every week.


i think these pics were pre high lighting.
im currently running the coralife quad bulb compact flourescent (96 or 92w)
was running like a 32 watt compact flourescent.
i got a cheapo set of T-5's for the never go PC again.


this was my "starter" light.
its like 56 watts or something. i just needed some decent light over the tank.
im gonna get all my fish in THEN start with the reef part. good idea or no?
56W is good, I only have a 36W PC coralife over my 15g. I would upgrade to a 70W viper, but I don't want to go topless, and I have a 28g jbj sitting in my living room, waiting until I move to transfer the 15 over.


lol thats the starter light on a ->90<- gallon
my starter on the 10g was a 28w PC. now im on the 96 :) i should throw some pics up of the whold thing now. took care of my algea problem ....tap water is bad. thats all haha
Do you have a protein skimmer? if not be careful to how many fish and coral you add, with no protein skimmer you'll end up at extremely high nitrates.