new to SH

hey i am a newb to the whole sea horse thing so i have lots of questions hello i havnt purchased anything live but will hopefully in the next the next few weeks? is that a bad aditude to look at it with? I im not new to Saltwater, been in the hobby for almost 6 years the tank that has been cycling is a 5 gallon glass aquarium with an aquaclear filter rated for 30 gallons. i have read that you dont need a heater for the tank if your house is heated regularly? is this true? i have constructed a powerhead spraybar thing. also the plan is is to "kill" a few pounds of live rock to prevent hydroids and other critters. the sand is live but i can dry it out to fix that if need be. also i have read that i can actually have a maximum of 20 dwarve seahorses..? is this true. also some other possible tank mates that are awesome are dwarve pipe fish and a shrimp fish ? anyone with experience with sea horses and dwarf seahorses plz comment also is it possible to feed frozen food???


Hi there! Before I spend a lot of time and go in-depth with answering your questions.... a quick note or two for you. Dwarf seahorses will need to be fed live foods at least twice a day. Meaning, you will need to have at least two hatchers of brine shrimp going at all times. You will also need a seperate container to enrich the 24 hour old baby brine before feeding. This all takes a bit of time for a "newbie" to dwarfs. It's not hard, just time consuming at first. If you are one that has a super busy social life, busy school/work schedule, not a lot of "free time", then dwarfs are not for you.
In all honesty, they are more time consuming to keep than a 29 gal tank with 4 of the larger seahorses. Since the tanks are smaller, water quality is more difficult to maintain, nuisance algae grows often if regular/frequent water changes are not done. They are awesome seahorses to keep, but they certainly aren't 'easy'. Think of it seahorse babies that never grow up - constantly needing live foods and water changes to keep things going well. If you think you can handle it, then I'd be more than happy to answer any and all questions you have.
hello everyone i have changed my mind from dwarf seahorses to fuscus (spelling) the pet store i usually go to has them and i believe they are being fed frozen food still have to make sure but do you think i could keep a pair of them in a 5 gallon that has been sea horse proofed lol haha


Sorry... definitely not. You might be able to get away with a pair of fuscus in a 15 gal tank, but nothing would work in a 5 gal except dwarfs (and I prefer a 10 for dwarfs.
i will not be stupid you know do it but would it be possible to have one little one in the tank and im promise you im not trying to make you mad by asking sooo many questions. sry . but could u have one by him/her self? or is it just a bad idea to try? also i have a 12 gallon nano cube and i have heard that they are not good for seahorses is this true. or could i try and modify it some how?
k lol maybe in another couple months i will get a crazy hair to try it again ?? lol i have been planning a five gallon for a loooong time but maybe i will find something else. also i guess i should have asked before i started to plan and set up lol oops . hope everyone had a great holiday!!
lol haha i have a 260 gallon reef tank and a nano reef lol but i just really wanted to try somethink little out of the ordinary lol know what i mean hey since i have it set up for SH but not using it for SH is there some other little critter possibly??
lol i have been in the hobby for almost 6 years now and am still scared to death of them and when i get new live rock i always pray i dont have a hitchhiker one lol,, any other ideas??


NO sorry...I guess you can just look at some of the other nano's and see what they have...LOL....I have no clue what can go in a 5g


Active Member
Sorry I didnt get a chance to answer sooner, but am glad Reefnut did. I agree, that oyu need at least a 15 tall for fuscus and that a 20 to 29 gal would be better.
ok i am not sure i i am going to do SH anymore. :( umless there was some kind of SH that was ok in a 5 gallon aquarium and eat frozen food.... got any ideas?


5G tanks are great for Pistol Shrimp/Goby pairs. I love my Yasha Goby/Randalli Pistol Shrimp. If you decide to do this, just don't get a goby that gets six inches, LOL.
You can also use it for frags to get them to grow and mature a little before placing in your larger reef system. I have a 14G with a shimp/goby pair and lots of frags that will one day go in the 155.